Sunday, August 4, 2024

Angela's Mission
36th Week

Monday - Monday night devotional - I'm so impressed that Angela really soaks in what she is being taught.  Most of the material is based on being a proselyting missionary, but she finds stuff that applies to her.  She has me take pictures of the slides so she can find what works for her.  

Tuesday - Angela served at the Bishop's Storehouse and worked really hard.  I always hear about how hard she worked when I pick her up.  She is such a great missionary and the Bishop's Storehouse is one of her favorite places.  Angela has made some really great friends while serving.
Ready to serve

Working with Sister Allen and Sister Nichols

Big bunch of broccoli -they can't break it up,
so someone will receive this
Angela had lunch with her friends. 
They had a special lunch for the missionaries. 
Wednesday - Missionary Training - Missionaries are required to take this training.  This particular training was about phishing.  I sit right next to her and we take the training. I realized that I need to learn more about phishing too.  Angela finds a gospel doctrine in this training.  That is just amazing.

Thursday - Angela served at the MidWest Food Bank.  She loves serving with Sister Barentine and Sister Shreeve.  They talk while they put soap stickers on the bags for others to fill.  There was a party serving there and when they got together to take a picture, I decided this would be a perfect time to take a picture of these three.
Nelson Zone sisters serving at MidWest Food Bank

Saturday - Sister went to Barro's Pizza after the missionaries did a temple session.  She went to the temple the day before.  Angela always enjoys going to Barro's with the missionaries

Companions - Sister Shreeve and Sister Pace


Sunday - Angela went to her home ward.  She fasted for her grandparents, which was super sweet.  She has the sweetest heart.
Cute Angela