Monday, November 25, 2013

Memorable MondayGrateful

For the month of November, it seems fitting to write down those things that we are grateful for, so here is my list for this month.
  1. I'm grateful for my family.
  2. I'm grateful for my health.
  3. I'm grateful that I'm an American citizen.
  4. I'm grateful that I have a home where I stay warm and dry
  5. I'm grateful that I have a car to get around
  6. I'm grateful that My husband has a job.
  7. I'm grateful for the ability to walk
  8. I'm grateful for insurance to help with costs.
  9. I'm grateful for my education.
  10. I'm grateful for my friends.
  11. I'm grateful that I keep a blog.
  12. I'm grateful for the scriptures.
  13. I'm grateful for church leaders.
  14. I'm grateful for the internet and the world it opens for me.
  15. I'm grateful for my grandparents and their examples
  16. I'm grateful for the gospel and the blessing it is in my life.
  17. I'm grateful for my senses.
  18. I'm grateful for temples
  19. I'm grateful for this beautiful earth.
  20. I'm grateful to have enough to eat.
  21. I'm grateful that grandparents have pets that we can visit.
  22. I'm grateful to have my parents and in-laws close by.
  23. I'm grateful for a washer and dryer in my home.
  24. I'm grateful for clean water
  25. I'm grateful for police and fire fighters.
  26. I'm grateful for good music
  27. I'm grateful for good books.
  28. I'm grateful for phones to communicate.
  29. I'm grateful for good school teachers.
  30. I'm grateful for seminary for my kids.
These are just random things that I'm thankful for.  I'm so grateful for my Savior and all that he has done for me - That's number 1 on my list.

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