Monday, February 8, 2016

Memorable Monday
Journal Entry Feb. 3, 2004

A lot has happened the past few weeks. Jim has been really busy with scouts and deacons.  He is planning a snow camp out this weekend.  It snowed today so there should be some snow for the boys.  Last weekend, Jim went down to Tucson and bought a military style trailer.  He plans to use it for scouts and take it on the next camp out.

Josh has been doing well at school.  Tonight, he was honored at the POP meeting( Porter's version of PTA). They honored the students who made it into the Roaring Jets Club (Math Facts Club).  It was a great to see him do so well in school.  This year has been an easy year for Josh because he is repeating first grade.  Next year will be a test for him. 

Dani lost her first tooth last week.  It's not the tooth that was bumped over the holidays.  There is a new tooth already in it's place.  I wanted to cry.  It is harder for me to see her grow up.  She was so excited for the tooth fairy to come.

Angela is doing really well.  She is riding her tricycle using the pedals.  She is able to climb down
stairs by just holding the handrails.  I was so excited to see her do those skills.  I've relaxed on
teaching those skills and watched her learn to do it on her own.

We have been busy painting my house.  It is about time.  We painted the kitchen, family room, and hall bathroom sage green.  It has been fun and adds so much to the house.  I plan to do much more.  Jim is doing most of the painting.  I'm preparing the walls and telling him what to paint. We are doing well and love you all.  Take care.

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