Friday, November 25, 2016


We did Thanksgiving different this year.  Mindy usually hosts Thanksgiving for the Pace family, but her family was in town and she had Thanksgiving dinner with them.  Grandma Pace decided to have the Pace Thanksgiving dinner at the Golden Corral.  Devon brought his finance, Callie Shaw and both Danni and Kaylynn brought their boyfriends, Landon and Brigham.  It was fun to sit back and watch the cousins all enjoying each other's company.  It was great to see them include the guest as well.
Angela, and Emily sat with Sarah, Trinia, and Alyssa
Josh sat with Kade, Ryan, Cole, Justin, Callie, and Devon
The Other side of the table included Kaylynn, Bree, Jenna, Danni, Brigham, and Landon
Kathyrn, Stuart, Jon, and Minday sat together
Jim and I shared tables with Grandma and Grandpa Pace
Ryan and Justin sat together

Since Myrna had Thanksgiving at Golden Corral the day before Thanksgiving, she was free on Thanksgiving day.  I invited their family to the Wall family over to my parents for dinner.  Brittany, Ashley, and Danni brought over their boyfriends.  Myrna spent time talking to my mom and making her day.   

Cort, Britt, Loren, Joey, Brigham hiding, Ashley, Joseph, Josh, and Zach
Emily ,Kenzie, Sarah, Trina, and Angela
Marden, Travis, Me, Dad, Lisa, Josh, Zach, Josh, Jim, Myrna, and Mom

It was a good Thanksgiving.  We have so much to be grateful for., especially family
My family
Emily and Angela
Brigham and Danni
The girls plus Joey
Myrna and Mom
Josh and Zach
Ash and Cort
Emmy, Kenzie, and Angela

 The day after Thanksgiving, went Grandma and Grandpa Pace to the desert.  It was fun to just get away and relax.  We had to leave early because Josh was called into work, but I'm so glad that we made the time to go.
My Family at the Desert, Danni didn't come
Josh playing cards with Ryan and Brandon
Jim and I with Em
Kaylynn and Angela under sleeping bags - it was getting cold

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