Monday, May 28, 2018

Memorable Monday
Last Days of School

Angela graduated and I wanted to look back on all the years that she has been in the public school.  She started kindergarten at Porter an was there for 1/4 of the year.  She finished her kindergarten year at Keller in a special ed kindergarten class.  For 1-3 grades, she attended Roosevelt Elementary in their special ed program.  She really enjoyed her teacher there.  For grades 4-6. she returned to Porter Elementary and was in special education classes there too.  From there, she attend Taylor for 2 years and 4 years at Mesa High. 

Angela throughout the years
Graduations - Preschool, Elementary, Jr. High, and High School
First Day of Kindergarten and Graduation
Pics with Cambryn
Her longest school friends was Cambryn, even though they were never in the same class.  Here is a picture of her first day of kindergarten, 6th grade graduation, and Mesa High graduation.  Cambryn was always so sweet to Angel and I'll always remember her kindness.  

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