Saturday, June 23, 2018

Rim Country

Grandma and Grandpa Pace headed up north to go camping.  We headed up for part of the day so Josh could be home for work.  We played several games while we were up there - Scattergories and UNO.  The big UNO cards were a hit!!  Brandon brought some mustaches and we had a blast wearing them.  It was the highlight of the trip. Uncle David and Aunt MaryAnn came just a little after we did and stayed for the day as well.   Jim cooked his famous chili for lunch and it was a hit too.  I love that there are no tomatoes.  It was nice to be in the cooler weather even if we spent most of the time dodging the sun.  We were constantly finding and moving into the shade.  Emily stayed behind with Grandma and Grandpa Pace and camped a couple of extra nights.  

Josh, Ang, and Em

Josh loved being with the puppy.
The feeling was mutual
Ang had a blast
Emmy held the puppy too
when she wasn't sleeping
Kids and their mustaches
Josh and Jim
Ang and I
Grandpa even joined the fun
Jim and I
His mustache is the best
Jim cooking his chilli
Emmy and her tent
Emmy came home with this cool project that she did up north

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