Monday, October 21, 2019

Memorable Monday
Fiiz turned into Soda Rush

Fiiz shut down in May on Harry Potter Day.  I planned to go anyways, but this time it would be the last time we visited Fiiz in AZ.  I know that there is one in Bountiful, but that is far away.  This was the first soda shop that I went to and was sad to see it go.
Harry Potter Day for the last day of Fiiz.
 Going to miss this place. Fun place to
 play games and have yummy drinks with the fam.

Soda Rush took over the place that Fiiz was and I wanted to stop by and see the difference and share the experience with my family.  I had been to the Soda Rush in East Mesa a few times, and was excited to try this shop out.  This location is close to where Grandma and Grandpa Pace live, so maybe we can stop by more often.  We were watching Manny, so he came with us.

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