Monday, October 25, 2010

Memorable Monday

Josh and Dani are both playing softball with the Young Women and Young Men. Dani plays every Wednesday night and Josh plays on Thursday with occasional Wednesday nights. This is the first year for both of them playing with the Youth. I was reminded of the first time that Josh played softball, or should we call it T-ball. He was on a team called the "Red Rockets" and did a great job. It was so fun to watch 3 year olds play t-ball and see them learn how to play the game. At first, they struggled to know which bases to run to, and how to play the game. Soon, the boys picked up the game and did a good job. After the season was over, most boys played the next season. Josh played two years with NYC and then two years with the Superstition Little League.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Taylor Football Game

Taylor had their football game at Mesa High and the Taylor band students played during the game. It was fun to watch the band enter the stadium and take their seats. They warmed up and played several songs before the game began. This was Taylor's last "home" football game of the season, even though it wasn't played at home. The 9th graders are moving on to high school, so there will no longer be a football program as Taylor.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Memorable Monday
School Pics

Here are the school pictures for this school year. The pictures turned out so good and I love that the companies offer digital copies.

Since Emily is in Kindergarten, I wanted to look at all 4 of my kid's kindergarten pics side by side. My kids are so cute and it's so fun to look back when they were younger. I love spotting the similarities and differences that my kids have.

Carving Pumpkins

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Time Out for Women

A couple of friends and I took a "Time Out" in Phoenix. Desert Book sponsored a Women's Time Out where women can go into Phoenix and get a time out from their life and hear inspirational speakers and musical numbers. We had a great time and I'm so glad that I found time for myself and rejuvenate.
Friday night, we heard from Wendy Watts Nielsen, Virginia Pearce, and Sheri Dew. Dallyn Vail Bayles provided the musical numbers and he has an amazing powerful voice.
Notes from Virginia Pearce
  • What is success? What are the markers of progress?
  • Succeeding in life = lived a life well
  • Work hard at being better and stretch ourselves through callings, assignments
  • We should get out of the business of comparsion. Inspiration and good ideas form people is good, just don't compare yourself with others.
  • Your success & other's successes shouldn't counteract each other.
  • Peace, Joy, and Hope are available to those who measure success properly
  • Receive and Act on the Holy Ghost - listening to promptings can teach us and show us how we stand before God
  • Celebrate our own growth.

Notes from Wendy Watson Nelson

  • Holy - remove yourself utterly from the world
  • Choose 1 activity a day for 3 days and ask what would a Holy Woman do?
  • The Atonement has the power to change from a broken dish to a beautiful porcelain dish.

Notes from Sheri Dew

  • The Lord knows who we are an what our mission is. He knows exactly what we need to accomplish our mission.
  • Easily Influenced - Where are we looking for our influence? How are we influencing others?
  • Don't compare ourselves to the world when the world is so distorted that it's not real.
  • While running the race, stay focused and don't get distracted by the world.
  • No skill is more important than to be guided by the Holy Ghost and learn to follow it's precepts. Saturday morning was a great day with wonderful speakers and Mercy River provided the music for the day.

Notes from Deanne Flynn

  • Where there is Christ, there is hope
  • Offer hope when there is none- hope may be all we have to offer
  • D&C 52:14 - Pattern in all things
  • Make unifying patterns - scripture study, prayers, FHE, eating dinner together as a family

Notes from Brad Wilcox

  • 2 Nephi 25:23 "After All We Can Do"
  • Grace is a constant energy source not a booster after your hard work.
  • God is pleased with every offering we make, more interested in the one offering
  • Miracle of the Atonement is to be transformed.
  • After all WE can do - The Savior and I working together
  • Jesus doesn't make up the difference, he makes all the difference
  • If we didn't do what Jesus asks of us, we can't truly transform
  • "Come unto me as you are!"

Notes from Mariama Kallon

  • Ester 4:14
  • God has a purpose for each of us
  • She bore her testimony about how the gospel and a hygiene kit saved and blessed her life.

Notes from Amanda Dickson

  • Getting your hopes up
  • What is the spirit you bring to your work?
  • Your best is good enough
Notes for Merileen Boyack
  • We have control of our attitude - choose to have a good attitude
  • D&C 68:6
  • Strengthening opportunities - moments we can be strong, positive, and hopeful
  • The spirit has a tough time getting through a heart full of doubt
  • Choose to be happy every day

Friday, October 15, 2010

Girl's Camp

Dani headed off to Girl's Camp and I wanted so bad to sneak into her luggage and go with her. I haven't been to girl's camp since I was 15 years old and would love the chance to go with my daughter. Dani had a great time at camp and here are some pictures to prove it. When I asked Dani to tell me her favorite part of camp, she said that she loved it all. We missed her while she was gone, but I know that she had a blast.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Memorable Monday
Kids cutting their own hair

Angela cut some of her hair again, so I ended up cutting her hair & then asking Lisa to finish. After seeing Angela's new haircut, I realized that she looks super cute with short hair. I wonder why I always wait for Angela to take matters into her hand and cut her own hair. Next time, I'm going to beat her to the punch.
I've looked back of the years and remember when my kids cut their own hair. Everyone has done it - some more obvious than others. The one haircut that remember the most was when Dani cut her own hair. She did such a good job and there was nothing that we could do but let the hair grow out. Dani has always been fascinated with hair and her hair did grow back and is long and beautiful today with only pictures and memories to remind us of the haircut.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Friday, October 8, 2010

Primary Girl's Softball

Angela played primary softball again this year and had a great time. The primary didn't have a tee this year, so Angela learned to hit a pitched ball. She was really nervous at first, but was able to bunt the ball several times. Angela played three full games playing in the field as well as batting. Angela had several friends who played on the team with her which made primary softball much more fun. There were 2 games that were cancelled because of the big storm and the water that remained on the field. The girls were sad to miss the games and the last game was moved to a nearby park so they could play. I'm so proud of Angela and she did an awesome job.

Band Concert

Josh had his first band concert of the year and it was top notch. This year, the symphonic band is separated into sectionals and Josh is in the woodwind sectional. The clarinets played three songs at the concert: Cradle Song, Peasant Dance, and a German Folk Song. It was such a great performance and I could actually hear Josh as well as see him. After the different sectionals had a chance to perform, the whole band played a couple of numbers. I really enjoyed the concert and the students performed very well.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Evening of Excellence

Dani came up with a great idea for an Evening of Excellence project. Dani asked for recipes for every family member of the family for a cookbook. She also included recipes from my ancestors. Dani and I made each recipe and we took pictures for the cookbook. The book turned out great and it was such a fun project for the both of us. Dani did a presentation during the Evening of Excellence about her cookbook. She really showed off her personality during the presentation, especially when she talked about getting her sweet tooth from her Great Grandma Flowers and her cinnamon roll recipe. It was great to share this time with Dani and I'm so proud of her.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Big Storm

We had a super big storm that hit Mesa. I was visiting my mom and then headed over to Lisa's house to watch a episode of Smallville that I missed. We heard the rain increase and when outside to take a look. The rain turned into hail and a lot of it fell from the sky. I've never seen that much hail fall at one time. There was so much wind and hail that it was hard to see across the street. About 15 minutes later, the storm calmed down and Lisa and I went to survey the damage. Her basketball stand fell on my truck and scratched it up a bit. Little did we realize the damage that was done around the neighborhood. As I went home, I saw a lot of damage at Reed Park. There were a lot of trees down and a power line that fell on the roof of an apartment complex. The streets were littered with debris, sheds demolished, fences down, and the canopy at Porter was ripped to shreds. As I looked at my truck, I realized how lucky I was that there was only a scratch. It was a bad storm and people will remember this storm for awhile.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Memorable Monday
Josh' first trip to the zoo

Josh didn't come to the zoo with us and we missed him. I thought back on the first time we took Josh to the Phoenix Zoo. Jim's company was having a picnic at Papago Park right next to the zoo, so after the picnic we headed to the zoo. When we came through the front entrance, there was a peacock showing off his beautiful feathers. It was an awesome sight to see. especially when it's the first thing you see at the zoo. It was so fun to show Josh all the different animals at the zoo. He really loved the gorilla statue and it was a fun prop for a picture.

General Conference

I love General Conference weekend. It's so great to hear from the prophet and his apostles.

Thomas S. Monson - As We Together Again - "Missionary service is priesthood duty - an obligation the Lord expects of us who have been given so very much."
Jeffrey R. Holland - Because of Your Faith - "My thanks to all you wonderful members of the Church...for proving every day of your life that the pure love of Christ 'never faileth'."
Rosemary M. Wixom - Stay on the Path - "As we hold on to our children and follow the Savior's lead, we will all return to our heavenly home and be safe in our Heavenly Father's arms."
Claudio R. M. Costa - Obedience to the Prophets - "What a great blessing it is to have prophets in our day!"
David M. McConkie - Gospel Learning and Teaching - "What matters most is the attitude or spirit by which the teacher teaches."
D. Todd Christofferson - Reflections on a Consecrate Life - "True success in this life comes in consecrating our lives - that is, our time and choices - to God's purposes."
Dieter F. Uctdorf -Of Things That Matter Most -"If life and it's rushed pace and many stresses have made it difficult for you to feel like rejoicing, then perhaps now is the time to refocus on what matters most."
Robert D. Hales - Agency: Essential to the Plan of Life - "Whenever we choose to come unto Christ, take His name upon us, and follow His servants, we progress along the path of eternal life."
Quentin L. Cook - Let There Be Light! -"In our increasing unrighteous world, it is essential that values based on religious belief be part of the public discourse."
Richard C. Edgley - Faith - The Choice is Yours - Choose faith over doubt, choose faith over fear, choose faith over the unknown and the unseen, and choose faith over pessimism."
Kevin R. Duncan - Our Very Survival - "May we have the wisdom to trust in and follow the counsel of the living prophets and apostles."
Gerrit W. Gong - Temple Mirrors of Eternity: A Testimony of Family - "An eternal perspective of gospel conversion and temple covenants can help us see rich blessings in each generation of our forever families"
Neil L. Anderson - Never Leave Him - "As you choose not to be offended or ashamed, you will feel His love and approval. You will know that you are becoming more like Him."
Richard G. Scott - The Transforming Power of Faith and Character - "A consistent, righteous life produces an inner power and strength that can be permanently resistant to the eroding influence of sin and transgression."
Russell M. Nelson - Be Thou an Example of the Believers - "Whether full-time missionaries or members, we should all be good examples of the believers of Jesus Christ."
Patrick Kearon - Come Unto Me with Full purpose of Heart and I Shall Heal You - "Our Savior is the Prince of Peace, the Great Healer, the only One who can truly cleanse us from the sting of sin."
Juan A. Uceda - He Teaches Us to Put Off the Natural Man - "I bear witness of the reality and power of the Savior's Atonement to cleanse, purify, and make us and our homes holy."
Dieter F. Uchdorf - Pride and the Priesthood - "Pride is a switch that turns off priesthood power. Humility is the switch that turns it on."
Henry B. Eyring - Serve with the Spirit - "Let us do whatever is required to qualify for the Holy Ghost as our companion."
Thomas S. Monson - The Three R's of Choice - "Each of us has come to this earth with all the right tools necessary to make correct choices."
Henry B. Erying - Trust in God, Then Go and Do - "You show your trust in Him when you listen with the intent to learn and repent and then go and do whatever He asks."
Boyd K. Packer - Cleansing the Inner Vessel - "Nowhere are the generosity and the kindness and mercy of God more manifest than repentance."
Jay E. Jensen - The Holy Ghost and Revelation - "The Holy Ghost is the third member of the Godhead, and with the Father and the Son, He knows all things."
Mary N. Cook - Be an Example of the Believers - "I would like to invite you to 'be... and example of the believers ... in faith [and] in purity'."
Dallin H. Oaks - Two Lines of Communication - "We must use both the personal line and the priesthood line in proper balance to achieve the growth that is the purpose of mortal life."
Thomas S. Monson - The Divine Gift of Gratitude - "A grateful heart ... comes through expressing gratitude to our Heavenly Father for His blessings and to those around us for all that they bring into our lives."
L. Tom Perry - The Priesthood of Aaron - "The priesthood you bear is a special gift, for the giver is the Lord Himself. Use it, magnify it, and live worthy of it."
David A. Bednar - Receive the Holy Ghost - "These four words -'Receive the Holy Ghost'- are not a passive pronouncement; rather, they constitute a priesthood injunction - an authoritative admonition to act and not simply to be acted upon."
Larry R. Lawrence - Courageous Parenting - "What the world needs is courageous parenting from mothers and fathers who are not afraid to speak up and take a stand."
Per G. Malm - Rest unto Your Souls - "To find rest unto our souls includes peace of mind and of heart, which is the result of learning and following the doctrine of Christ."
Jairo Mazzaagardi - Avoiding the Trap of Sin - "Stay strong and make good choices that will allow you to eat the fruit of the tree of life."
Meryvn B. Arnold - What Have You Done with My Name? - "Someday each of us will have to account to our Savior, Jesus Christ, for what we have done with His name."
M.Russell Ballard - O That Cunning Plan of the Evil One - "There is hope for the addicted and this hope comes through the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ."
Thomas S. Monson - Till We Meet Again - "Endure to the end we must, for our goal is eternal life in the presence of our Father in Heaven."

It's fun together with the Pace family during the Priesthood session for dinner and girl time, with a few boys. This year, the girls got together and painted the nails and toenails. It's a great evening.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Choir Concert

Dani had her first choir concert at Taylor last night. There are 6 choirs performing in 2 different concerts on right after the other. Dani performed 3 numbers during the first concert and stayed and listened to the rest.

She performed 4 different songs
1- Brighten My Soul with Sunshine - Joyce Eilers
2- Sloop John B - Traditional Folk Song
3- Harper's Creek - Southern Folk Song performed with fiddlers
4- The Spirit of Adventure (From Pixar's Up) - Michael Giacchino

This was during the Spirit of Adventure