Saturday, March 31, 2012

Highland Jazz Festival

Josh is a member of the Jazz Band Combo that practices once a week.  This has been a great opportunity for Josh to become a better musician.  He has benefited from having a extra year with Mr. Quamo and from the other members of the combo  He has learned more about Jazz music and learned how to do improvisational solos.  He went with Jazz Band to the Highland Jazz Festival and performed in front of judges where they earned an Excellent rating.  They performed "Mercy Mercy", "Take 5" and "Christy's Bounce".  "Christy's Bounce was arranged by one of the members of the combo.  Each member of the Combo performed a solo.  Mr. Quamo wasn't able to be there that day, so the students had to listen to each other as they performed.  I really enjoyed listening to them perform.  Josh was also able to watch other bands, attend clinics, and attend a Jazz Band concert.  

Missionary Week

Josh participate in Missionary Week in seminary and they were invited and encouraged to prepare for missionary service.  Elder Bednar gave an invitation several years ago: "The single most important thing you can do to prepare for a call to serve is to become a missionary long before you go on a mission."  The students were ask to participate in several activities.

  • Arise in morning by 6:30
  • Study the scriptures at least 30 min.
  • Pray morning and night
  • Browse for 10 min.
  • Write in journal
  • Obey mission rules regarding opposite sex
  • No TV, movies, video games, texting
  • No radio, earphones, or unapproved music
  • Keep language and conduct clean and virtuous
  • Go to bed by 10:30
  • Bear your testimony of a principle of the gospel to a less-active or non-member friend
  • Carry with you all day a "Pass-along Card"
  • Memorize and pass off to a family member a scripture
  • Provide a meaningful act of service for a family member or neighbor
  • Cook a meal for your family, or write a letter to a missionary
  • Start a conversation with a stranger
  • Study a chapter from "Preach My Gospel"
EXTRA CREDIT - Fast for a missionary experience, go on companionship exchanges with missionaries, create a profile on; give away a Book of Mormon; do family search indexing

Josh worked really hard on missionary week and didn't play video games, watch TV, nor text for the week.  He studied his Book of Mormon, Preach my Gospel, and carried "pass along" cards.  He cooked dinner for our family one night with homemade rolls.  It was an amazing week and I'm so glad that the seminary encouraged the kids to be a missionary for a week.

Josh rolling the dough 
Rolls that Josh and Dylan made

Friday, March 30, 2012

Music Man Promo

Mesa High extended their run of Beauty and the Beast because of it's huge success.  Taylor originally had planned to have their musical this weekend.  The Music Man cast was invited to perform a promo before Mesa's production of Beauty and the Beast.  It was great for the TJHS students to perform on the MHS stage.  The cast did an amazing job promoting their musical at Mesa.  Now they just need to fine tone bits and pieces before their curtain opens.
Music Man Pics
More Music Man Pics
I couldn't resist taking photos of them performing on stage any time that I could.  Zach and Danni are able to perform together again in Music Man.  Both Ashley and Zach will perform tonight and I wanted to capture that moment.  It was fun to see Grandma Pace come and see Danni perform.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy 100 Years Arizona - A Legacy of Learning

Porter had a Family Fun titled: A Legacy of Learning with special guest Lynda Exley.  She wrote "Arizona Way Out and Wacky - Awesome Activities, Humorous History, and Fun Facts".  She talked to the kids in school earlier that day and then did a presentation for the kids and their parents that evening.  The kindergartners and first graders also sang for their parents that night..  It's great to have the younger kids sing for their parents, it made my night to see her sing.   Emily sat by two of her friend,  Lindsay and Abbey, so I was able to get pics of all three of them.   

Monday, March 26, 2012

Memorable Monday
Hanging out with Emily

Emily stayed home from school today and we just hung out all day.  It reminded me of the times when Emily was younger and stayed home with me all day every day.  We would send the kids off to school and they have the day to ourselves.  We would have a lot of fun together!!!  Sometimes, we went to the park, played with our cousins, visited Grandmas, went shopping, went to the library, and watched TV.  I miss having Emily had home and it was so nice to have that time with her today.  I love you Em!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

YW Broadcast

This year, I was able to attend the Young Women broadcast with both Danni and Angela.  Angela sat with me and listened while she colored during the talks.  I was so proud of Angela for coming to the YW broadcast and participating in all the YW activities.  It was a great experience for her and even though she may not of understood the talks, she felt the spirit and enjoyed listening to the music.  Here are the talks that were given during the YW broadcast. 

Ann N. Dibb - "Arise and Shine Forth - One of the Greatest ways we can arise and shine forth is to confidently obey the commandments of God."

Mary N. Cook - "Seek Learning: You Have a Work to Do - Bless your children and your future home by learning as much as you can now."

Elaine S. Dalton - "Now is the Time to Arise and Shine!  - As daughters of God, you were born to lead."

Thomas S. Monson - "Believe, Obey, and Endure - Believe that remaining strong and faithful to the truths of the gospel is of utmost importance.  I testify that it is!"

Monday, March 19, 2012

Memorable Monday
The Power of Music

Angela had her last performance with Mesa Children's Chorus on Saturday.  It was a great concert and they sang most of the songs that they learned this year.  She had a great time and made a lot of great friends.  

Music has taught Angela so much.  Angela didn't learn to talk until she was 4 years old.  When she started to talk, she used song lyrics to communicate.  I knew that music had a powerful effect on one's education, but I was amazed at how music helped Angela learn to talk and communicate.  She listens very clearly to the words of the songs and memorizes them quickly.  Angela sings with her whole heart and when she sings about baby Jesus or a lullaby, she gets choked up.  She really loves to sing and music gave her voice when she didn't have one - that's the power of music.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

17th Wedding Anniversary

"Marriage is perhaps the most vital of all the decisions and has the most far-reaching effects, for it has to do not only with immediate happiness, but eternal joys as well.  It affects not only the two people involved, but also their families and particularly their children and their children's children down through the many generations."
Spencer W. Kimball

"All Because Two People Fell in Love"

Spring Break

We stayed home for Spring Break and participated in some local fun.  Danni had play practice on 3 days for 6 hours and Josh had a two hour jazz band practice so we were limited on time.  Here are some of the events that we did this week.

*We went to the Mesa Arts Center and went through Mirazozo.  Mirazozo is a giant inflatable sculpture that traveled to Mesa for Spring Break.  Last year during we visited Amococo during spring break, so I wanted to come see this structure as well.  There were some differences between the two, but not much.  Danni brought along a couple of friends which added to the fun.

*We walked around the Mesa Arts Center and participated in some of the free events that they had planned that week.  I loved that Mesa had some fun events for the public to do during Spring Break.  We had fun walking around and then went for some yummy ice cream.
* We went out to the desert to hang out with Grandma and Grandpa Pace.  We had a great time hanging out in with them.  My kids went on a hike, played with the dogs, roasted marshmallows, and just hung out with their grandparents.  Grandma always brings a lot of great toys to play with too.  Danni had cell phone service and texted too - not to much though.  We had a blast and went home when the sun went down.

*Another day, Danni took the girls to the park.  Danni took lots of pictures and it looks like they had a blast.  Thanks Danni!!!!!
*On Saturday, our stake had a Family Fun Run.  We ran and walked as a family until the girls found the bouncy house.  Josh was sweet and spent time watching the girls while Jim, Danni, and I finished walking.  It was a great event and we had a great time.  Josh took a few pics of the girls - I love that my kids take pictures for me. 

We had a great week and it was great to sleep in and just hang out with each other.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


We rented the Josh's clarinet for several years through a rent-to-own program and earned enough to buy Josh a clarinet.  It's great to have a clarinet that Josh really likes and hasn't been used by a lot of other kids.  While we were at the store, we got Josh a mouthpiece so he could practice the french horn that he borrowed from Mesa High.  

French Horn

Monday, March 12, 2012

Memorable Monday
Egyptian Masks

Angela made an Egyptian Mask about a month ago in 6th grade.  I helped the students plaster their faces to get a mold of their faces.  This week, I stopped by the library to see the final product with Angela. She did a great job with the mask.  This turns out to be a such a keepsake for my kids!

It's fun to look back at Josh's and Dani's Egyptian masks and see them side by side.  They each did such a great job and it's great to see their personalities through their masks.  It was so fun for me to be there from the beginning.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Danni turns 14

Danni started off her birthday with a decorated front yard thanks to the YW.  Brittany spend the night and for breakfast, Danni made some pancakes with green sprinkles - she likes to experiment.  She then headed off to the San Tan Mall with Jocelyn, Maybree, and Miranda.  Danni had a blast and bought a cute little brown purse.  When she got home, Dani and I headed off to the store to buy her some cute clothes for the dance tonight. When we arrived home, Jocelyn and Maybree came by with a cake and a dress that she really liked at the mall.  She was super excited that her friends bought her the dress.  She has such great friends!!!  Brittany told Danni to come by her house early so that they could get ready for the dance.  When she arrived at the Clawsons, she realized that her friends threw her a surprise birthday party for.  Her mom didn't even know about the party.  After the party, they all headed to the dance.  Danni was so excited to go to her first dance and than opportunity came on her birthday.  She had a great birthday with her friends.  She'll have to spend another great day with her family.

Pics of her day

Friday, March 9, 2012

Baptisms for the Dead

Angela went to the temple this morning to do Baptisms for the Dead for the first time.  It was a sweet experience to watch Angela during this time.  I watched Danni, Britt, and Ashley helped Angela out during various times and it brought tears to my eyes. Jim was there to help Angela too! I learned that Angela has so many people that can help and guide her. There was such a sweet spirit in the temple this morning and I'm so glad that I was able to attend Angela's first trip inside the temple.

Danni has been to the temple several times to participate in Baptisms for Dead, but I was the first time that I went with her.  I enjoyed spending the morning with her and enjoy this experience with her.  I was overwhelmed with the love that she showed her sister this morning.  Danni has such a sweet personality and I love to see interact with others.

Medieval Festival

Angela participated in the Medieval festival this year at Porter.  I volunteered to help again in the calligraphy station and had a great time hanging out with the 6th graders this year.  We are so lucky that Angela is at Porter this year and can participate in the great 6th grade festivities that Josh and Danni participated in.  Angela doesn't like to have too many photos taken, so I didn't get that many.  Angela had a great time and looked beautiful!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Spring Choir Concert

The Taylor Choir had an amazing spring choir concert.  This concert featured many soloists which added so much depth.  This concert will go down as a highlight for me this year in choir. Danni was one of the soloists in the Ovation choir.  She started off her choir with a solo in "Today was a Fairytale".  She did such an amazing job and I beaming with pride during her solo.  Some of her friends had solos in that song and in other songs during the night.  Ovation choir also sang "Hey There Delilah / 1,2,3,4", "All I ask of you", and "Defying Gravity".  They earned a standing ovation for Defying Gravity and amazed everyone in the audience with that song.  Danni is also in Encore choir and they sang 3 numbers including "Raise Me Up".  After the concert, there was a cookie social and I heard so many compliments about the concert.  I overheard that the principal was even impressed.  


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hanging Out at Firehouse Subs

Danni and some her friends went to Fireshouse Subs after school.  It looks like they had a great time!!! 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Singing at Mesa High

Mesa High invited the local junior high schools to perform with them on stage.  It's a great opportunity for the choir kids to perform on the Mesa High stage and to encourage them to take choir in high school.  Taylor performed a couple of songs, including Defying Gravity.  One of the soloists had to attend the Orchestra concert so Danni stepped in and sang a solo on the MHS stage.  I knew that she had a solo coming up at the TJHS choir, but I didn't realize that she would be singing one at MHS too.  She has an amazing voice and I'm so glad that I was able to hear it tonight.  My niece, Ashley did played the flute on the stage that night too!  What a great flutist she is and so much to see her perform at the same concert as Danni.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Memorable Monday
Looking Back

Angela turned 12 a few days ago and I wanted to look back at the last 12 years.  Angela learned to walk when she was 2 years old and talk when she was 4.  She attended 3 different elementary schools in the special ed program where she thrived and learned to read, write, and do simple math.  She did a couple years of dance and is using those skills in the dance festival.  She loves to sing, especially primary songs.  She learned to play the piano, violin, and cello and loves to identify those instruments when she hears classical music.  Angela loves to swim, jump off the diving board, play on the monkey bars, and play video games.  We love you Angela!!!! 
Danni will turn 14 in a few days and I wanted to look back on the last 14 years of her life.  Danni is such a go-getter and goes after what she wants.  Danni walked super early and has been running ever since.  Danni is a social butterfly and makes friends easily.  She is always finding something to do with her friends.  Danni learned to play the piano, bells, drums, and sing.  She is an amazing singer and enjoys her years in choir.  Danni is an amazing dancer and has taken several years of tap dancing.  Danni is an excellent student and is the National Junior Honor Society. She is an amazing girl who constantly thinks of others. We love your Danni!!!!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Science Expo

Danni and her friend, Denson, worked for months on their Science Project.  They were selected to represent along with about 20 other students to represent Taylor at the Science Expo. Their science project was on how color affects memory. Danni and Denson took 2nd place in their division and received a certificate along with $15 dollars.  Congratulations!!!

Relief Society Women's Conference

We started off the YW conference with some wonderful speakers and beautiful musical numbers.  I was in the choir for this conference.

"How Can I Keep from Singing"
My life flows on in endless song, above earth's lamentation, 
I hear the sweet though far-off hymn that hails a new creation,
Through all the tumult and the strife, I hear the music ringing
It finds an echo in my soul, How can I keep from singing?
What though my joys and comforts die?  The Lord, My Savior liveth,
What though the darkness gather found? Songs in the night He giveth,
No storm can shake my in-most calm, while to the Refuge clinging,
Since Christ is Lord of heav'n and earth, How can I keep from singing?

Sis. Favreau - "We are all struggling to find joy - lift others instead of comparing our weakness to other's strengths."  She brought up the song - "How Can I Keep from Singing" in her talk. " How Can I not be joyful with what I know."
Sis. Rainwater - "Be a participant not a spectator - spiritually, not just physically"
Greg Olson  did a slide show presentation of his artwork and mentioned that "Perspective changes things".

There were 3 classes that we could take.  I chose these 3 classes and learned so much.  I enjoyed attending the classes and feeling the spirit that was there.

1- "Organize and Prioritize Your Life
 -" Trust in Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness.  Let go what is not yours."

2- Change
- "Desire is first."
- "Recognize I have incorrect patterns."
- "Take Lessons"
- "Practice the thing you learn"

2- My Soul Delighteth 
- "Scriptures are like pockets of light...They can become eternal friends." - Richard G. Scott
-"There is much distraction and not enough joy" - Julie B. Beck

After the conference was over, we had a yummy lunch.  After the lunch, I participated in a flash dance which was SO much fun.
Greg Olson and I


Friday, March 2, 2012

Band Festival

I was a chaperon for the ABODA band and orchestra festival with the Mesa High Band. I enjoyed watching Josh perform with the Symphonic Band in front of the judges.  There were several members of the Wind Ensemble that joined the Symphonic Band to help them out, including Ashley.  They performed well and earned a Superior.  After their performance, they attend a 1/2 hr clinic and learned some great techniques to help them perform the songs better.  The Wind Ensemble, Full Orchestra, and another orchestra class were there too and had the opportunity to perform in front of judges and each other.  I really enjoyed being a chaperon and hanging out with the band kids and getting to know them better.  They are an amazing bunch of kids and are a great representation of MHS.  They will be getting ready to represent MHS at state.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

My niece, Ashley, performed in the school musical as a flutist in the pit orchestra, so we attended Beauty and the Beast as a family.  Josh and Danni found friends to sit with, so Jim and I sat with the girls.  During the intermission, the girls and I stopped by to see Ashley and get a good view of the pit.  Josh's friend, Dylan, played the baker and did such a great job.  
Mesa High puts on great musicals and it was great to see so many familiar faces on stage and in the pit.  The director used to be in our ward years ago and it's so great to see her talent.  The seamstress in our ward and she made the three costumes that Belle wore.  It's amazing to know how much time and talent goes into making musicals at the high school level, and Mesa High goes over the top.