Monday, October 31, 2011

Memorable Monday
1st Halloween Pics

Since Halloween is on a Monday, I thought it would be fun to look back at the kid's first Halloween costumes.

Josh was a pumpkin
Danni was a bunny
Angela was a papoose
Emily was a bee


The Paces had a great Halloween this year.

Josh competed at a band competition and wasn't able to join us at the ward Trunk-or-Treat. The girls went and had a great time. They found some friends to play with brought home a bucket full of candy.
On Halloween, Josh and the younger two girls went Trick-or-Treat around the neighborhood with their dad and the Santos family while Danni went with a friend. I stayed home to pass out candy, but ended up next door with our neighbors because the outside light was burned out and no one came by.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

5K Walk

Jim's work company participated in a 5K Walk to fundraising some money for breast cancer research.  The walk started at Tempe Town Lake and curved around the streets in Tempe.  It was a great walk and I enjoyed talking with Jim.  Jim's company will turn 100 next year and the company designed a great seal that we wore on the back of the shirt during the walk.  It was such a great experience to walk the 5k and I'm so glad that I took this opportunity to go.  Crossing the finish line was so rewarding after such a great walk.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

MAC Festival

Mesa Public Schools held their Secondary Choral Festival at the Mesa Arts Center - I just call it the MAC festival for short. All of the Junior Highs from Mesa performed in the festival and participated in a clinic afterwards. I was a parent chaperon, so I was with the kids all day. They played three songs from the fall choral concert. After the Junior High held their festival, they went outside for dinner. It was so fun to see the kids personalities during free time. There was a evening performance where the high school choirs performed as well as the Sonoran Desert Chorale. The last number was "The Awakening" sang by the combined Mesa Public School Secondary Choirs. Since I was a chaperon, I was able to sing with them. It was an amazing way to end the night. I'm so glad that I was able to attend the MAC Festival with Danni.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Memorable Monday

Homecoming 2011 started off with an assembly and a bon fire during the week.  Since Josh is in the band, he performed at both events.  Friday's homecoming events started with a parade.  Angela, Emily and I went to watch Josh march in the homecoming parade around the neighborhood.  Later that evening, I went to the homecoming football game and loved watching the royalty presented.  My friend's son was nominated Homecoming King which mad it super cool to watch.  Saturday night was the Homecoming Dance and some band kids were able to attend after their competition that day.
Waiting for the parade to start

Josh marching in the parade
Josh getting ready for the
homecoming football game.
Theme - Oh, the Place You'll Go
I remember some of the activities for homecoming when I was in high school.  Each class would decorate the sidewalks, with the seniors getting the main sidewalk to the school.  There was an assembly, night rally, and an homecoming election prior to Friday's activities.  On Friday, there would be a parade around the football field before the big game.  And it ended with the Homecoming Dance.  My senior year, I was nominated for Homecoming Queen.  I was super glad that I didn't win because I didn't have a date to the dance.

Burning the J was done during the Night Rally

Decorating the sidewalks
Homecoming Royalty - My friend Evelyn was 2nd Attendant

Sunday, October 23, 2011

ASU Band Day

When I noticed on the schedule that Josh was going to march at ASU, I planned to attend that competition.  I attended ASU and I loved the thought of my son marching on the field.  I invited Jim and we had a great time helping the marching kids out and staying afterwards to watch the ASU Marching Band.  It was a great day and I'm so glad that I went. 
Josh and band performing "The Diamond"
The Clarinet section

The Mesa High Marching Band 2011

ASU Marching Band

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Fall Choir Concert

Taylor has a new choir teacher this year - Mr. Meade.  I've had the opportunity to work with him since school started as the choir booster president.  I've enjoyed working with the students and watching Danni shine in choir.  It's been so fun to watch her in choir both on stage and off.  It was an amazing choir concert and the kids really having Mr. Meade as a teacher.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Memorable Monday
Primary Presentations

Angela and Emily sang in the Primary Presentation today.  It was so beautiful and I loved hearing the children sing the primary songs and recite their parts.  This could be Angela's last Primary Presentation, so I was crying in the end.  Angela loves music and I've really enjoyed seeing her sing in Primary.

I love Primary Presentations!  I've helped plan several presentations while serving in the Primary Presidency.  I've sang with the kids while serving as a Primary Teacher.  I've sat in the pews and watched my kids sing during the Primary Presentation.  You can really feel the spirit when the Primary children sing and share their testimonies.  I look forward to the Primary Presentation every year.  

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Horseback Riding

Danni went with her cousins horseback riding.  They had a great time until Danni got bucked off the horse.  She   was sore for a couple of days, but only she remembers the good times that she had.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Memorable Monday
First Ward Campout

Our first ward campout was actually an unofficial campout with some friends in the ward.  We went camping just south of the rim and north of Young.  We had a great time with the ward friends
Jim and the kids

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Ward Campout

We had our ward campout this past weekend. We traveled just north of Pine up on the rim at Pivot Rock. On the way there, we saw 4 deer walking across the road. I didn't have time to grab the camera and get a good shot. It was really cold while we stayed there, especially at night. I heard that the temperature dipped to 25 degree - burr that's cold! We had a great time with the girls while Josh stayed down in the valley for marching band competition.
Danni brought along Maybree again this year. They shared a tent with Melissa and stayed up late chatting. In the morning, they went on a hike, and went on the zip-line. They often went on doubles with the younger kids. The little ones referred to them often as the babysitters.
Angela loved hanging out with her friends and going on the zip-line.
The girls found a tepee while exploring and the used it as a club house. They used bark and dirt to add to the tepee. It provided the girls much entertainment and a place to store all their stuff.
Emily made a new friends as they hunted for acorns that were scattered all over camp. Emily had a great time!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Primary Softball

Angela participated in Primary softball again this year. She went to all the games and had such a great time. This was her last year of Primary softball since she turns 12 in February. It was fun to see her interact with her teammates and coaches. I've loved watching Angela grow into this sport. At first, she was afraid of the softball and used a tee. Now, she allows the ball to be pitched to her and tries to hit it the ball. This year a ball hit her in the chest. She rested awhile and then got back in the game. She is a real trooper!!
She played ball with Isabelle, Kenzie, Savannah, Alex, Gwen, Kennedy, and Allie. Her coaches were Sis. Arter, Sis Huber, and Sis. Ray

Monday, October 3, 2011

Memorable Monday
Football Games

Josh had his last football game on Friday and I wanted to look back and see all the fun he had during the games.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Gilbert Invitational Competition

Josh participated in his first Marching Band competition today. They practiced all morning ath Mesa High and then headed off to Gilbert to compete with other bands and receive a rating I love to watch the band warm up and tone their instrument with each other. There was so much to remember - the music and being in the right place and the right time while staying in step. Mr. Brooks and the MHS parents cheered the band on and you could feel their excitement as the band performed their show. They have 5 more competitions so hopefully this show helped calm some nerves.