Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorable Monday
High School Graduation

After watching Cortney graduate, I reflected on my own graduation ceremony. My ceremony was held indoors in the gymnasium and we could only invite 5 guests. 2 guests could sit on the ground level and the other 3 could sit in the upper level. There were only 272 graduates, so it was possible to hold the ceremony in the gym. Our orchestra played "Nepenthe" during our graduation service and that meant a lot to me. After we received our diploma, we left the gymnasium, handed in our gowns (they were borrowed), and then greeted our parents outside. Graduation from high school was such a great accomplishment and it was a great night. Graduation night is a night that I will not forget and I'm sure Cortney will never forget it either.

My Graduation - June 11, 1987

Tubing Down the Salt River

Thursday, May 27, 2010

MHS Graduation

Dani and I attended Cortney's Mesa High Graduation. Cortney sang with the choir for a couple of numbers during the ceremony, which will be an experience to look back on. It was an amazing to sit next to her parents and feel their excitement over their daughter's accomplishments. I loved watching her walk across the field to receive her diploma. Cortney graduated with honors from Mesa High and earned a schloarship to USU.
Congrats Cortney!

Isn't she cute? This was 16 yrs ago - she was 3

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Awards Assembly

On the last day of school, Porter had an Awards Assembly and I recieved information that both girls would be receiving awards the day before. Emily's preschool graduation was the same day, so Jim went to support the girls as they received their awards. Angela received a reading award and Dani recieved a Social Studies award. The girls worked so hard this year and I'm glad that they were rewarded.

Preschool Graduation

Emily graduated from preschool and her class performed cute little program. Emily loved preschool and made some good friends, especially Abbey, Karina, and Kate. Ms. Christi was her preschool teacher this year.They walked on the stage with the graduation music playing in the background with the cute graduation hats on. After the kids sat down, Ms. Christi mentioned that these group of kids were so fun and well behaved this year. They sang some songs for their parents, ("I'm bringing home a Baby Bumblebee", "5 Little Speckled Frogs", "5 Little Monkeys"), and they signed their ABC's. Ms. Chrisi called each student up and gave them a diploma and a goodie bag. It was the perfect graduation ceremony for the kids.
She had this photo taken a month before and I thought it was too cute!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

6th grade Promotion Night

Dani had her 6th grade promotion night! It was a great night for Dani and her friends. The night started off with a song sung by the 6th graders. I loved watching the 6th graders sing and finding Dani among the crowd. After the song, each 6th grader was called to the stage to receive the dipolma. Mrs. Lenz presented Dani with her dipolma and we cheered as loud as we could. I am so proud of Dani and all that she did in 6th grade. After the ceremony, we took many photos of Dani with her friends, teachers, principal, and parents. We topped the evening off at Nielsen's with Mrs. Lenz, Maybree, Julie, and Cambryn. It was such a great night!

Congratulations Dani!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Memorial Monday
Dedication of Temples

After attending the Gila Valley Temple, I reflected on some of the other temple dedications that I have attended. I still have the temple recommends for these dedications and I was lucky to be worthy to attend these dedications. It's hard to put into words the feelings that I've felt as I watched these dedications, but I felt the spirit very strong at each dedication.
  1. Jordan River Utah Temple - I was able to attend the temple dedication inside the Jordan River Temple. I was assigned to attend the 9:00 session on November 17, 1981. I was 12 years old at the time of the dedication and still remember bits and pieces of that dedication.

  2. Palmyra New York Temple - The Church broadcast this temple dedication over stake center throughout North America, so we were able to watch it from our own stake center on 4/6/00. This temple is located near different historic church site, including Hill Cumorah where Joseph's saw the First Vision.
  3. Winter Quarters Nebraska Temple - This temple dedication was also broadcast over North America on 4/22/01. This temple sits near church historical sites as well. Winter Quarters was a place where the pioneers stopped and rested before heading out west.
  4. Nauvoo Illinois Temple - This was a special dedication since the temple is a reproduction of the original Nauvoo Temple, where the saints took our the endowments before heading west. There is rich Church History surrounding this temple and it's awesome to see it restored to it's original glory. This temple was broadcast over the world for 3 days in June of 2002.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gila Valley
Temple Dedication

Jim and I were able to take our three oldest kids to the Gila Valley Temple Dedication. It was broadcast to our stake center and we each needed a temple recommend to attend the dedication. Presenting our temple recommend to our stake leaders when we arrived at the stake center was an incredible feeling. It reminded us that we are worthy to enter and hear the words from our prophet and be present for this dedication. It was a sweet experience to watch the dedication with my kids especially since we viewed the temple just weeks prior to the dedication. Both Josh and Dani went to the Mesa Temple this week to do Baptisms for the Dead with added to the experience for the both of them. It was a great experience for our family and I hope that we remember these feelings in years to come.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010


Dani was on PNN, Porter News Network, several times last year as an anchor and a cameraman. The 5th and 6th grade students can participate in PNN and rotate weekly so that everyone gets a chance to participate. This year, Dani was the "Words of Wisdom" gal who gave the daily dose of wisdom on PNN. Because of her new PNN job, she was on PNN almost every day except Fridays. Once a week for a couple of months, Dani brought Angela to sit with her on PNN. Wednesdays are "Wacky Wednesdays" so it made it super fun for Angela. Dani is such a sweetheart for taking Angela once a week so she could participate in PNN. PNN helped Angela feel apart of Porter this year and Dani really enjoyed the experience that PNN offered her.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Taylor Band Concert / Awards Dinner

Josh had his 4th quarter band concert and it was combined with a dinner and an awards ceremony. The dinner was catered and super yummy, especially since I didn't have to cook it. Josh earned a certificate for completing 7th grade band. Mr. Q, Josh's band teacher, talked about next year's band program and Josh plans to continue band and hopefully join the Jazz Band. Since the 9th graders are going back to Junior High next year, Josh will only have another year in Junior High band so he plans to make the most of it. The concert was great as usual and I'm so glad that Josh continued playing in the band.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Memorable Monday
Lessons I've Learned from Motherhood

Yesterday was Mother's Day and I am taking a few moments to reflect over the years that I have been a mother.  It is a very rewarding calling that comes with challenges.  I never went to motherhood school, so when the nursese placed Josh in my arms I was clueless as to where to start.  I've learned so much this past years and I wanted to write them done from my children to learn from my mistakes.

* Eggs are very hard to clean up, so hide them from young children.
* Little ones are often frightened by Santa
* Don't buy cheap Mechanical pencils
* Cakes really do need sugar
* Babies don't hold still for handprints
* Never send ice cream with a child in hope it gets to the teacher
* A weedwacker is not a toy
* Water and Dirt really do make mud
* Toddlers can fall asleep in high chairs
* Messes are easier to clean up after you take a picture to remember the occasion
* Chocoate does melt
* Check the hours a business is open before you head over.
* The garbage truck is a great alarm clock
* Spell your child's name right when you having an item engraved
* Kids can take braces off by themselves
* Don't hold your child's popsicle
* Kids will swim in any temperature
* Scissors need to be placed up high
* Nap only when your young children nap
* Car rides put babies to sleep 
* Band-aids are really just stickers
* Kids remember everything
* You're never to young to color

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

"Mother, I love you; mother, I do. Father in Heaven has sent me to you. When I am near you, I love to hear you singing so softly that you love me too. Mother, I love you, I do. Mother, I love you; mother I do. I want to help you because I love you. I want to mind you; I want to find you happy and smiling because I love you. Mother, I love you; I love you, I do."

"Mother dear, I love you so. Your happy, smiling face is such a joy to look at; it makes home a lovely place. Mother dear, I love you so. Your lovely, shining eyes are just like stars that tinkle way up in the bright blue skies. Mother dear, I love you so. I'll try the whole day through to please our Heav'nly Father. I'm so glad he gave me you."

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Piano Recital

Josh and Dani had their piano recital this morning. They both did such an awesome job and we are so proud of them. I love hearing my kids practicing the piano and hearing the different music that they play.
Josh started playing the piano just 4 months ago and his teacher tells us that Josh is learning the piano quickly and earned the "Great Start" award. He really enjoys playing the piano, especially songs that he plays in band. He plays his clarinet's parts on the piano and would love to learn Jazz music. His recital piece was called "Give Me a Clue". Love the title!

This was Dani's third piano recital and she practiced her piece every day for a good month. Her piano recital piece was "Colors of the Wind" from the movie Pochantos. She had her piece memorized and perfected. Dani earned the "Most Improved" award and also earned a medallion for practicing. Dani really enjoys playing the piano and I love hearing her play the piano around the house. Dani often plays "The Climb" and "Viva la Vida" on the piano too. I LOVE IT!

Friday, May 7, 2010

U of U Graduation

My brother graduated from the University of Utah and we are so proud of him. It was awesome to spend the day with him and spend some time hanging out at the U.
Congratulations Jeff!

Visiting UT Temples

Jim and I went to Utah for a couple of days. We were able to visit 4 temples between breakfast and lunch. The Salt Lake Valley is blessed to have so many temples close by.

The Draper Temple is so beautiful as it sits up on the hillside with an awesome view of the Salt Lake Valley. As a youth, I grew up in Sandy which is next to Draper and was thrilled to hear the news that the church was builting a temple there. It was a beautiful drive up the hillside to see the temple and as we headed down the hillside, I could see the Jordan River and Oquirrh Mountain temple in the valley below.

The Jordan River Temple is the temple I visited during my youth years. I watched as the temple was built and dedicated. For many years, I went there to do Baptisms for the Dead. I wanted to get married in that temple, but moved down to Arizona. I was able to do a session when Jim and I came up for Jim's missionary reunion. It's an amazing temple and I'm also thrilled to see it again.

Next, we visited the Oquirrh Mountain Temple which is close to where Jim used to live when he was younger. It also had some great views of the Salt Lake Valley and the Watash Mountains. The open house was just last year and we made some plans to view the temple at that time, but changed our minds and stayed in Arizona. It's a beautiful temple.

We toured the Salt Lake temple and the church building surrounding temple square. We visited the conference center and toured the top of the building. We ate lunch at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and then visited the atrium on top of the building for a great view of the temple. We visited the new Family History Library and the new Desert Book store across the street from temple square, where we met President Uchtdorf. It even snowed while we were on the temple grounds.

The flowers at temple square were in full bloom and gorgeous to view. I just love tulips and they were everywhere on the temple grounds.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Memorable Monday
Visiting Temples

After viewing the Gila Valley Temple with my kiddos, I looked back and remembered the temples that we visited with our kids.

1. Mesa Temple - We see this temple quite often since we live 10 minutes away.
2. Snowflake Temple - We attended the open house in 2002.
3.Provo Temple - We visited this temple on a trip to Utah in 2003.
4. Mount Timpanogos Temple - We visited these temple grounds in 2003.
5. Manti Temple - We visited these temple grounds in 2003.
6. San Diego Temple - I'm not really sure when we visited these grounds, but before 2004.
7. Bountiful Temple - We visited this temple in 2003, but it snowing too hard for pictures. We visited the temple grounds again in 2006 for pictures.8. Ogden Temple - We visited these temple grounds in 2006.
9. Logan Temple - We visited these temple grounds in 2006
10. Jordan River Temple - We visited these temple grounds in 2006.
11. Salt Lake Temple - We have visited these temple grounds many times, almost every time we visited Sal Lake City.
We hope to continue to show our kids how important temples are by visiting as many as we can as a family.