Sunday, July 27, 2008

Emily's Primary Talk

The youngest Emily is really shy. When we are in public, she stays really close and doesn't like to talk to anyone she doesn't know real well. Emily has a hard time going to Primary. She struggled going to Primary until February and then she went with Dani. Lately, Emily has struggled going to Primary by herself. Since she is my baby, I am willing to stay with her and help her to class. Today, it was her turn to give a talk in Primary. I was nervous to see how it would play out. Before church, I told her that it was her turn to talk into the microphone and give her talk. She seemed excited to do just that. When Primary started, Emily refused to go to Primary. I took her and she clung to me for most of opening exercises. When it was her turn, I carried her to the pulpit and was ready to give the talk myself. I put her feet and put the microphone to her level and whispered the first few words of her talk. To my surprise, she gave her talk in Primary. I was so proud of her. I think the idea of speaking in the microphone was an opportunity she wasn't going to miss. She sat down with her primary class and I was able to make my escape. I was so proud of my Emily. We'll see what happens next week.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Angela's Swim Lesson

Angela just finished swim lessons this year. I didn't enroll her in any swim classes last year, but I needed to this year. Her Occupation Therapist (a therapist who specialized in fine motor skills) in school wants Angela to get involved in sports that involves moving both hers arms and legs simultaneously. Swimming, dancing, and gymnastics do just that. She is going to take dance in the fall. Her OT hopes that this will help her fine motor skills, including handwriting. She has been doing well in her large motor skills, so I gave her a break in sports, but now I need to get her involved again. It was nice just having Angela hang out at home. I miss that so much with her since she started school at she was just 2 months shy of being 3. She needed to start school early to continue the therapies she was receiving.

Angela did so well at swim lessons this year. It was so fun to watch her learn and she enjoyed every minute of it. I enjoyed watching her learn to swim naturally and on her own. I remember the frustration and tears in learning to crawl and walk. Learn to swim was so different and as natural for her as walking is for most toddlers. She loves to put her face under water and swim just like a fish. I was so proud of her! I don't have any pictures of her in the pool! The battery died, but a picture couldn't do justice on her swimming skills.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Camp Geronimo

Jim and Josh went to Camp Geronimo for the past 8 days. They were busy and having a great time. Even though Josh was only 11, because his dad was at camp he was allowed to go. Jim had to leave camp on Tuesday night and Thursday night to go to school. Josh came home those two nights and stayed at home. On Wednesday and Friday morning, they both headed up to Geronimo so Josh didn't miss any merit badge classes. Josh earned Swimming, Environmental Science, Space Exploration, and a partial First Aid Merit Badges. For First Aid, he needs to demonstrate CPR and use a Defibrillator. Josh had a really good time at camp. He enjoyed spending some quality time with his dad. This was Jim's 5th year at Boy's Camp. He spent two years at Camp Raymond and 3 years at Camp Geronimo. It's good to have them home. I gave Jim and Josh a disposable camera to take pictures. Josh used his camera and I included some of his pictures.

Here is a cute picture of Josh and Mitchell. They are really good friends and they loved spending time together at camp.

Here is Jim at camp. Josh is still learning how to take pictures. His thumb is in the picture, but I think it's a great picture of Jim.

Here is Josh at camp. He looks really happy. He loved Camp Geronimo.

I love this picture of the hummingbird. It's a picture that I would've taken. Josh took Environmental Science class and had the opportunity to observe nature. I'm glad that Josh took pictures. He did a great job and I love the pics.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Road Trip

While Jim and Josh left for Camp Geronimo, the girls and I headed down to Safford for the day. A friend of ours was getting married near Safford, so the girls and I made a day of it. It was a lot of fun to spend the day with just us girls. We went to lunch, went shopping, hung out and went to a wedding. It was great! Dani went crawdad fishing with a boy and they got 10-14 crawdads and then released them. Dani had a lot of fun. The girls and I had fun while the boys are away. Jim and Josh will attend scout camp for 8 days, so I'll have to keep the girls busy.
The girls and I

The girls playing in a beautiful green meadow with purple flowers.

Dani going Crawdad fishing

Dani got a big crawdad.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

My Birthday

My birthday was on July 4th and I'm admitting that I am 39 years old. I have been thinking a lot lately about the amazing things that I have done this past 39 years old. I have been blessed with a great family and great friends. I've learned a lot and I excited about the future.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Fourth of July

The Fourth of July started really early for us, especially for a holiday. Jim and Josh went and put up flags that the scouts do for a fund raiser. There were not a lot of scouts in town, so they needed everyone to participate and help out. At 6:30, the ward had a breakfast provided by the Bishopric. But first, they had a nice flag ceremony done by the cub master, all the other scout leaders and scouts were still putting up flags. It was a great ceremony and I loved hearing the kids repeating the pledge of allegiance. Breakfast was really good, thanks to the fabulous cooks, I'm just glad I didn't have to cook breakfast. After breakfast, the neighborhood had a parade. There was a lead car with music blaring followed by our neighbors. It was fun to see everyone dressed up and what mode of transportation they used in the parade.
Here are my girls getting ready for the parade. Angela rode with a friend on a wagon pulled by a dog. Dani wanted to pull Emily in the wagon, but Jim took over after a while. Josh rode his scooter close to the van.
There was a lead car with music blaring followed by our neighbors. There was a Pace Car who brought up the rear. There was a guy named Jim who drove the car, but it wasn't our Jim. It was fun to see everyone dressed up and what mode of transportation they used in the parade. After the parade, there was watermelon, water, and a good old fashion water fight.

There was cold water and watermelon after the parade. It was a hot day, so it was appreciated. Emily really enjoyed the watermelon, she had two pieces. The watermelon is so sweet after the parade. There was a water fight across the street using a hose instead of the cold drinking water. Josh and Angela crossed the street to be in the water fight. I was surprised to see Angela join the fight. She totally loved being in the center of it all. Josh loves water fights and quickly found himself in the middle of one.

Jim still had his scout shirt and became a good target for a water fight. It was a great event. We went to see Kung Fu Panda and then out to lunch to CiCi's. The kids had a great time and it was so fun to spend time with family. I helped Jim and Josh take down the flags. It was the first time that I've helped with the flags. I really appreciate all the time and service that the leaders do to help the boys with this fundraiser. Later that evening, we went to see the fireworks. What a great Fourth of July.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Family Reunion

My family had their yearly family reunion is last weekend. We camped in an awesome camping spot about 1 hour north of Zion's National Park in Utah. I have brothers who live in Salt Lake, so we met halfway in Southern Utah. Southern Utah is incredibly beautiful. The campsite was surrounded by quaking aspen with an elevation of around 92oo ft. It was a beautiful camping spot.
The first day we rented a couple of canoes and play in the lake. The kids and I took turns riding in the canoe except Jim. He recently went on a scout canoe trip where he canoed over 60 miles. He let everyone else have a turn. The kids really enjoyed hanging out in and around the lake. Emily rode in the canoe with my brother and his wife. They were so sweet to take her for a canoe ride. She looks adorable with the life jacket on. Dani went canoeing with her cousin. What fun those two had. We rarely saw them at camp because they were so busy exploring their surroundings. They knew the campsite by the back of their hands.
Josh went canoeing with his Uncle Steve. He really enjoyed the canoe ride, he even waved at me. Josh also went fishing with his cousins and uncles. They fished on the shore and also on a fishing boat. Josh didn't catch any fish this year, but he caught 3 last year. He really loves to go fishing.
I went canoeing with Rachel, my sister-in-law and Angela. We did a great job with the canoe, and we had a really great time. Who knew that canoeing would be so much fun.

The girls had a total blast at the lake. They would play in the water and then quickly ran for a towel because they were cold. These repeated over and over again. They were so cute. They found some yellow flowers and picked them for me. They were so sweet.

The scenery near our campsite was spectacular. We went for a couple of drives and explored the sites around our campground. There was one lookout point where we could see Zion's in the distance. It was incredibly gorgeous. We couldn't resist a few pics, well actually a lot of pictures. After the hike, we went into town for some good old fashion ice cream.

While we were camping, my parents had their 40th wedding anniversary. It was wonderful for them to have the whole family for that special day.
Here is picture of Zion's National Park. I went to Zion's when I was in the Young Womens and hiked the Narrows. I would like to take my kids there when they are older. It was such a beautiful site to see.

We went to Cedar Break National Monument, it was so beautiful to see. It was raining when we arrived so we didn't stay too long. A day later, some family members returned for a 1 mile hike to see the 1600 year old tree. The hike was uphill for a short distance and then it opened up and you could see the beauty that Cedar Breaks has to offer. My brother and I just stood and enjoyed the view around us. It was an incredible sight to see. After the hike, the kids found some snow and played. That was a pleasant surprise for the kids who went on the hike.

The 1600 yr. old tree

Jim and Josh visited the 1600 year old tree. It's fun to think about the tree and the timeline of the events surrounding that tree.

It was fun to spend time with my sisters and my brothers. We had a great time on our reunion.