Sunday, July 20, 2008

Camp Geronimo

Jim and Josh went to Camp Geronimo for the past 8 days. They were busy and having a great time. Even though Josh was only 11, because his dad was at camp he was allowed to go. Jim had to leave camp on Tuesday night and Thursday night to go to school. Josh came home those two nights and stayed at home. On Wednesday and Friday morning, they both headed up to Geronimo so Josh didn't miss any merit badge classes. Josh earned Swimming, Environmental Science, Space Exploration, and a partial First Aid Merit Badges. For First Aid, he needs to demonstrate CPR and use a Defibrillator. Josh had a really good time at camp. He enjoyed spending some quality time with his dad. This was Jim's 5th year at Boy's Camp. He spent two years at Camp Raymond and 3 years at Camp Geronimo. It's good to have them home. I gave Jim and Josh a disposable camera to take pictures. Josh used his camera and I included some of his pictures.

Here is a cute picture of Josh and Mitchell. They are really good friends and they loved spending time together at camp.

Here is Jim at camp. Josh is still learning how to take pictures. His thumb is in the picture, but I think it's a great picture of Jim.

Here is Josh at camp. He looks really happy. He loved Camp Geronimo.

I love this picture of the hummingbird. It's a picture that I would've taken. Josh took Environmental Science class and had the opportunity to observe nature. I'm glad that Josh took pictures. He did a great job and I love the pics.


TF said...

Hey, Tami! I love these blogs! it is so fun to see how everyone else is doing! Thanks for finding mine!

Bren's Life said...

How fun. That's great that he was able to go up with Jim. What an experience...