Monday, January 30, 2012

Memorable Monday
"To Do My Duty to God"

I attended an Eagle Board of Review today.  I was apart of deciding whether or not this boy earned his Eagle.  I learned a lot about scouts from my dad.  When I was 12 years old, my dad was the scoutmaster in our ward. He asked all of his kids to write in their journal about what it means to do your "Duty to God".  It was a term that the boy scouts used and I didn't understand why his daughters had to write about that in the journal, but I did it anyway.  I recently found that entry in my journal and wrote it down word for word.  

"To do my duty to god means to practice your religion.  To do your duty means to 1- Do what you should do 2- Respect Others (show) 3- Finish the job you have been asked to do. And honor your parents.  On Nov. 21, I got baptized 25 times after we had breakfast.  Nov. 17 we went to the Dedation to the Jordan River temple.  One day in the week I was nominated for Monier of the Month in 7th grade.
I am doing my duty because my father wants me to do this"

It was so fun to read that entry and look back and see what I thought back then.  I didn't really understand that you don't need to be a scout to fulfill your Duty to God.   I thought about what fulfilling my "Duty to God" means to me today.  I know that I has responsibilities as a member of the Church and it is my duty to faithfully fulfill those responsibilities.  I know that I need to respect and love others.  As I think about what it means to fulfill my "Duty to God" today, I realize that it didn't differ from what I thought as a 12 year old.  It is our responsibility to do our Duty to God.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Articles of Faith Recognition

Both Angela and Emily passed all the Articles of Faith this year. Our stake primary recognizes those kids who have passed off the Articles of Faith each year.  Angela has been recognized three times and this was Emily's first time.  Angela and Emily had great primary teachers that helped them memorize them - Thanks!

Good Job Girls!!!!  

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Band Concert - Junior High Night

Mesa High had a band concert which featured the local junior high schools. Taylor, Brimhall, and Mesa Jr. were invited to attend this concert. I remembered last year when Josh came last year to perform on the MHS stage as a junior high student.  This year, Josh performed with the Jazz Band Combo (an after school club), the combined Jazz Bands, and the combined Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble.  Josh did an amazing  improvisational solo with the Jazz Band Combo.  It was his first solo on the MHS stage and was the highlight of the night for me and Josh received a lot of compliments.  Mr. Quamo conducted this concert while Mr. Brooks stayed home with his new baby boy.  Ashley is in the Wind Ensemble and since she is first chair, I always get great pics of her.  I love that Josh and Ashley can perform together on the same stage.  It was an amazing concert with a lot of incredible talent.  
Josh doing his solo
Jazz Band Combo

Combined Jazz Bands
Combined Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble

Monday, January 23, 2012

Memorable Monday

The church had their "Commemorating 100 Years of Seminary" broadcast last night.  My kids went to this fireside to celebrate seminary.

"The seminary program started in 1912 with 1 teahcer and 70 students.  We learn in the Book of Mormon that 'by small and simple things are great thing brough to pass; ... and  by very small means the Lord ... bringieth about the salvation of many souls' (Alma 37:6-7).  Truly, great things have come from that small beginning in 1912.  For example, tonight there are 300 times that original 70 people here in the Conference Center, and that is just a small fraction of the hundreds of thousands of people watching this broadcast throughout the world.

The most important 'great thins' that have resulted from that humble beginning 100 years ago aren't the size of the program or the number of buildings and teachers, but most important are the great things' that have happened in the lives of millions of students over the years as they have been willing to do some small things.  Small things like attending class and studying the scriptures daily and then living eh principles of the gospel in their daily lives.  As they have done small things. great things have been brought to pass in their lives  They have come closer to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and have been richly blessed in countless ways."

Seminary Building
Seminary was a huge part of my life.  It's where I read and learned about the scriptures.  I took early morning my senior high so that I could take more classes.  I attended seminary during school hour for my freshman, sophomore, and junior years.  I remember waking across the street to attend seminary.  I recently returned to see what happened to my high school and it's now a fancy movie theater that looks like the old Jordan High.  The seminary building was still standing.  I hope that what I learned in seminary will keep me standing, when the world around me changes.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Emmy's new hair cut

Emily has such curly hair and I always nervous to cut it and possibly lose the curl.  I decided that it was time to cut it.  Instead of waiting to have someone cut it, I grabbed some scissors and cut it myself.  I've never cut my kid's hair before, except bangs, so I was really nervous.  I'm sure that I made a lot of mistakes, but I think it looks cute and there is still curl!  I can't wait to see what cute styles we can do with her hair.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Memorable Monday
I Admit It

Challenge - What are some addictions that you have?

I Admit It..  I have a major addiction to Diet Coke.  I first discovered this drink in High School when my friend, Tracie, and I would buy a Diet Coke from the vending machine.  When I moved to AZ, I tried Diet Pepsi  and discovered that it wasn't the same.  It wasn't the same as drinking Diet Coke with my best friend, Tracie.  When I was pregnant and nursing my four children, I drank Root Beer or Sprite instead of Diet Coke.  I drink too much Diet Coke and visit Circle K too much.   

Martin Luther King Celebrations

The Mesa Children's Choir sang in a couple of Martin Luther King celebrations this weekend.  Friday night, they sang a couple of songs at MCC in a candlelight ceremony.  They sang "Let Freedom Ring" and "Heal the World" by Michael Jackson.  The kids did an amazing job and the last number brought tears to my eyes.  It was sung beautifully with such a powerful message.

Monday afternoon, the kids performed outside of the Mesa Arts Center.  They sang the same two songs plus a few more.  It's so great to see and hear the kids perform.  I'm so glad that Angela has this opportunity to see with the Mesa Children's Choir and interact with her peers.  It's been such a blessing in her life.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Memorable Monday
Music Lessons

This week the girls head back to piano lessons.  I wish that I had the opportunity to take piano lessons when I was younger.   Piano lessons were not an option when I was younger.  I would encourage my girls to continue taking piano lessons as long as they can and PRACTICE! PRACTICE!! PRACTICE!!!

I was reminded of a time that I had violin lessons my senior year.  My teacher was Nola Watson who was a really good family friend as well as one of my YW leaders.  I didn't like going to violin lessons because she challenged me.  I would have to practice really hard for my lessons.  I remember one day in orchestra, someone mentioned how much I had improved recently.  The private lessons were paying off and helping me become a better player outside of lesson time.  I'm so glad the my parents arranged for me to have violin lessons that year.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Memorable Monday
New Year Eve's Dances

Josh went to a New Year's Eve dance at the Interstake Center.  He went with Mitchell and they both had a great time.  When I picked them up, I reminisced about the New Year's Eve dances that I went to as a Young Adult.  The dances were held at the Superstition Springs Mall.  The stores were locked down tight and we danced near the food court area on both levels.  It was so fun to see so many people there and we would dance until just shortly after midnight.  I don't remember much about who I was with, I just remember thinking that it was super cool to go to the mall for a YA dance.