Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Evening of Excellence

Our ward had their Evening in Excellence this evening.  The theme for the evening was "'Just when the caterpillar thought the world would end, she became a butterfly!' Always remember who you are and who our Heavenly Father would have you BECOME!" Each girl was asked to talk about "Becoming who the Lord want me to Become". 

Danni worked on a scrapbook with Brittany and wrote this for her presentation: "For my project, I did a scrapbook of me and my cousin, Brittany.  The scrapbook is full of me of me and Brittany.  Me and Brittany put it all together ourselves, and we're not done yet.  I want this to become something I do for the rest of my life, just keep adding to this book, adding to our memories.  While I was working on this book, I came to realize the influence I have on people.  I realized the Lord wants me to be a good example. Some qualities that come to mind are:
Some of the scriptures that stuck out to me are:
*Peacemaker - Matthew 5: 9  'Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God' - Peace Prevails
*Holy - Thessalonians 2:12 'That ye would walk worthy of God who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory.'
I know that the Lord want me to become a worthy young woman who will share my light with others."

Angela did a project on planning menus  and planning service to cook the meals for her family and talked about becoming who the Lord wants her to become through service. 

It was a beautiful evening with Costa Vida style food, and a wonderful talk by Sis. McConkie.  The Young Women Leaders sang a beautiful song about butterflies.  I'm glad that I was able to hear such inspirational mes

Monday, August 27, 2012

Memorable Monday
The Power of Music

Challenge - What music do you like?  How has music influenced you?

My first introduction to music was singing in sacrament meeting and primary.  "I Am a Child of God" and "Walk Tall, You're a Daughter of God" were some of my favorite songs as a youth.  These songs touched my heart and helped me gain a testimony of who I am.  I loved singing camp songs and feeling the spirit when I sang those songs.

I remember listening to records on my parents old record player.  We usually listened to audio cassettes, but the novality of the record player was too much to resist.  I remember buying my first audio tape - Duran Duran.  I usually listened to music on the radio, since I didn't own many tapes or records.  In high school, my friend and her mom took me to see  Manneheim Steamroller in concert.  I've loved listening to them ever since. When I moved to Arizona, I discovered that I loved Country Music.  I loved listening to Randy Travis, Clint Black, and John Michael Montgomery.

I played a lot of musical instruments.  In elementary school, I played the audio-harp and recorder during music class.   In junior high school, I learned to play the violin.  As a senior, I learned to play the viola, upright bass, and the electric bass.  I remember going to the symphony during school field trips.  Some of my favorite pieces are: Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart, Brandenburg Concerto #3 by Bach, and Reinhold Gliere's Russian Sailor's Dance.

I didn't realize how powerful music truly was until Angela learned to speak and communicate through music.  She spoke lyrics until she learned to find words of her own to use.  She was in kindergarten when she was able to use her own words.  Lyrics touch her heart and they often bring tears to her eyes, especially when she sings about Baby Jesus. She has a tender heart and truly listens to the lyrics.  I sometimes struggle to listen to the lyrics because I concentrate on the music itself.

My greatest joy now is listening to my kids perform in band concerts, choir concerts, piano recitals, and orchestra concerts.  I love hearing about their experiences in music.  I hope that one day they can reflect on how music has affected their life.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Priest Ordination

Josh was ordained a Priest by his father today.  Josh's family, grandparents, and his cousin Zach attended the ordination.  It was a powerful blessing and such a neat experience to see Jim ordained his son to be a Priest.  After the ordination, the Bishop sent him on his first official assignment. I love seeing Josh serve the members in the ward.

Josh was ordained a Priest on 8-26-12
Josh's dad performed the ordination.
Duties of a Priest
1- One of our duties as priest is to preach, teach, expound, and exhort.
2- Another duty priest have is to baptize.
3- The honor of administering the sacrament is given mainly to the priests who offer the sacramental prayers.
4- The Lord has commanded priests to visit the house of each member and exhort them to pray vocally and in secret and attend to all family duties.
5- Priests also have the authority to ordain other priests, teachers, and deacons.
6- The calling of a priest also includes assisting in missionary work.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Josh's 16th Birthday

Today is Josh's Birthday.  He had school today and a football game afterwards. Josh loves to go to the football games, but he didn't want to spend his 16th Birthday all day at school.  His aunt took him to Neilsen's after the game with some members of the band.  We plan to take him to see Avengers with some friends the day after his birthday.  Here is a questionnaire about Josh.  

Questionnaire about Josh
Josh as a newborn

Monday, August 20, 2012

Memorable Monday
Student Teachers

I just found out that Emily has a student teacher this year.  It's so funny because when Josh and Danni were in second grade at Porter, they had a student teacher.  Angela didn't attend Porter when she was in second grade, so officially every child of mine who attended Porter in second grade had a student teacher that year.  Here are my kids with their student teachers.
Josh and Mrs. Pasko
Danni and Mrs. Hammon
Emily and Mrs. Tiznado
Danni has a student teacher in choir this year too - Mrs. Curtis

Monday, August 13, 2012

Memorable Monday
My Mom

Happy Birthday to my mom!!  It's her birthday today - she is young at heart.  My mom has many pictures of her as a child and of her youth.  I remember looking back at her pictures and loved that that someone took the time to capture the photos.  I love photos and the memories that they bring up.  Here are some pics of my mother that I remember.

My beautiful Mom

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First Day of School

Emily started 2nd grade and has the same teacher as she did last year.  Abbey and Lindsay are  in her same class again this year.  I love Porter and there is a new principal.  I think she is fabulous and can't wait to work with her. I'm so excited that Haylee is coming to Porter with Emily this year.  This is going to be a great year at Porter.

I'm the most nervous about sending Angela to Junior High.  I have prepared Angela as much as I can.   She knows her schedule and we walked through it a couple of time. She has her schedule visible in case she gets lost.   When I dropped her off at school, the principal saw me and asked if I could help pass out schedules in the gym.  A lot of students didn't pick up their new schedules and they needed them ASAP.  Angela came with me to the gym to pass out the new schedules.  When the bell rang for Angela to go to class, I took her half way and wished her luck and then returned back to the gym.  The principal was very wise to have me help.  When I left campus, I saw Angela head to an assembly with her class.  At the point, I knew that she would be OK.  Angela did get lost, but there was help for her.  It was a great first day for her and me as well.
Angela on the first day
Angela and her friend Cambryn
 Josh and Danni are off to high school.  This is Danni's first year in high school and I walked her through her classrooms as well.  Danni is nervous, but I know that she will love high school.  Josh has been working super hard on a summer project and it's due on the first day of school.  Good Luck Josh and Danni!
Josh and Danni
Since my kids go to 3 different schools and start at 3 different  times - I decided to get a group picture after school.  The kids deserve a treat after their first day of school, so we headed to the local watering hole.  I have great kids and I'm going to miss them now that school as started.
They love the first day of school.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Memorable Monday
2nd Grade Teachers

Now the Emily is starting 2nd grade, I wanted to look back at my kids' second grade teachers. Emily has the same teacher that she had in 1st grade, Mrs. Sparks..  Porter is participating in  a looping program so that students have the same teacher for 2 years.  Danni's second grade classroom was a second and third grade combo.  Angela attended Roosevelt during second grade, while the others attended Porter.

Josh had Mrs. Michaels
Danni had Mrs. Grove
Angela had Mrs. Hanks
Emily had Mrs. Sparks

Friday, August 3, 2012

Band Camp

Josh and Danni spent 1 1/2 weeks at band camp.  The first week was every day all day and the second week was 3 half days.   They worked super hard and took breakfast, lunch, and dinner breaks for the first week;.    I was able to come down a couple nights and help with dinner.  It was great to see my kids - I really missed them while they were gone.  Josh and Danni really like Band Camp and it's a great way to make new friends, especially for Danni since this is her first year.  This is a real great time for the marching kids to bond since they will be together a lot this season.
Josh worked really hard at band camp
Danni napped - I think she worked too hard
Britt, Danni, and Karley 
Color Guard
Color Guard
Color Guard