Tuesday, October 25, 2011

MAC Festival

Mesa Public Schools held their Secondary Choral Festival at the Mesa Arts Center - I just call it the MAC festival for short. All of the Junior Highs from Mesa performed in the festival and participated in a clinic afterwards. I was a parent chaperon, so I was with the kids all day. They played three songs from the fall choral concert. After the Junior High held their festival, they went outside for dinner. It was so fun to see the kids personalities during free time. There was a evening performance where the high school choirs performed as well as the Sonoran Desert Chorale. The last number was "The Awakening" sang by the combined Mesa Public School Secondary Choirs. Since I was a chaperon, I was able to sing with them. It was an amazing way to end the night. I'm so glad that I was able to attend the MAC Festival with Danni.

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