Thursday, November 28, 2013


We started out Thanksgiving with the Pace Family at Jon and Mindy's house.  It was great to see all the cousins get together and chat away.  Thanksgiving dinner was so yummy.  We left Thanksgiving on the Pace side early because the turkey was done on the Wall side.  We ran home to cook mashed potatoes and headed over.  We have an amazing family on both sides and we are so lucky that we can spend time with both sides on Thanksgiving.  My kids have so many cousins on both side that there is always someone to hang out with.
Kids loading their plates
Josh  and his cousins on Thanksgiving
Danni on Thanksgiving
Angela and Emily with Kenzieon Thanksgiving

Monday, November 25, 2013

Memorable MondayGrateful

For the month of November, it seems fitting to write down those things that we are grateful for, so here is my list for this month.
  1. I'm grateful for my family.
  2. I'm grateful for my health.
  3. I'm grateful that I'm an American citizen.
  4. I'm grateful that I have a home where I stay warm and dry
  5. I'm grateful that I have a car to get around
  6. I'm grateful that My husband has a job.
  7. I'm grateful for the ability to walk
  8. I'm grateful for insurance to help with costs.
  9. I'm grateful for my education.
  10. I'm grateful for my friends.
  11. I'm grateful that I keep a blog.
  12. I'm grateful for the scriptures.
  13. I'm grateful for church leaders.
  14. I'm grateful for the internet and the world it opens for me.
  15. I'm grateful for my grandparents and their examples
  16. I'm grateful for the gospel and the blessing it is in my life.
  17. I'm grateful for my senses.
  18. I'm grateful for temples
  19. I'm grateful for this beautiful earth.
  20. I'm grateful to have enough to eat.
  21. I'm grateful that grandparents have pets that we can visit.
  22. I'm grateful to have my parents and in-laws close by.
  23. I'm grateful for a washer and dryer in my home.
  24. I'm grateful for clean water
  25. I'm grateful for police and fire fighters.
  26. I'm grateful for good music
  27. I'm grateful for good books.
  28. I'm grateful for phones to communicate.
  29. I'm grateful for good school teachers.
  30. I'm grateful for seminary for my kids.
These are just random things that I'm thankful for.  I'm so grateful for my Savior and all that he has done for me - That's number 1 on my list.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Performances

The Mesa Children's Choir performed in a couple of Interfaith Thanksgiving performance, one in Gilbert and one in Mesa.  It was an amazing experience to see and hear about other church's beliefs.  The kids sang beautifully and sat respectfully while others performed and spoke. I was really inspire by the talks on gratitude.   I was so proud of Emily and I really enjoyed watching her perform.
Singing in Gilbert

Emily at the Mesa chapel
Abe recited the Gettysburg address w/o his hat.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Award's Banquet

I was in charge of the award's banquet this year.  We held it at the  Red Mountain Regional center again with Salernos catering the meal.  I had an amazing committee help me decorate the room.  We asked some students to write down some of their hopes and we posted them with pictures along the walls.  We had a great entryway, a cute photo booth, and some huge engineering prints too.    The award's banquet was a great success!!!   Since the kids didn't get to go to Homecoming, we provided a DJ for the night.  That was the highlight of the evening.    Here are some pics!!
My kids having a great time.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Throw Back Thursday
Young Danni

I wanted to post a pic of Danni.  Last night, she performed in a small play that she wrote and directed with a friend.  She is a talented girl.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Memorable Monday
Wedding Helpers

Sis. Favreau's son was married this past week.  She asked if Josh and Danni could help serve at the dinner before the wedding.  They both agreed to help her out. 
Aren't they cute?
I was reminded when I was young and asked to help serve at my cousin Kathy's wedding.  The day of her wedding, my sister and I attend a youth water skiing trip.  We were both burnt and the dresses were uncomfortable.  I love serving at her reception and I knew that it was an huge honor to help.  I loved Roy and Jeri Shaw and their 3 daughters - Sheri, Kathy, and Brenda. 
We look thrilled!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

State Marching Competition

The Mesa High Band has won the state championship again along with 4 captions - Visual, General Effect, Percussion, and Auxiliary.    They did an amazing job and my kids can proudly say they are 2 time state champions.
Trophies - score of 80.825
The ride to the State Championship started off with a bang - literally.  I was sitting on the bus with the kids when the tire blew.  It was almost the same place as our bus accident last year.  Mr. Brooks just had all the kids pile up in the same bus.  It was cramped full of kids, but they arrived early enough to get some practice time.  
the bus
inside the bus
This was an amazing show about hopes that parents have for their children.  It was neat to see Mr. Brooks enter the field with the band with his son on his shoulders.  What a great beginning to the show!!
Mr. Brooks and James
The band saved their best performance for the state competition and did an amazing job.  They won their state championship again, second time in a row.  The also won all captions too.  It was an amazing show and I'm so proud to be apart of it in a small way.  Congrats to the MHS Marching Band!!!!
Josh at the State Championships
Britt and Danni just after the competition
While waiting for the results, we watched Mr. Brooks and Mr. Quamo kids .
Josh with his tuba friends
Danni. Hayden, Rley, Holden, Ana, and Britt
2 time state champions
Guard - They won best auxiliary

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Throw Back Thursday
1st Time State Champs

Last year when Josh and Danni won the State Championship
A year ago, the MHS Marching Band won the State Championship.  On Saturday, the MHS Marching Band will compete for the State Championship again.  Good Luck!!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Memorable Monday

We had some many friends that left on missions this year.  Here are some of the farewells and open houses that we went to this year.   We are really going to miss these missionaries and wish them the best of luck out in the field.

Brandon Boone

Kim Walker

Dylan Shaw

Ben Cluff

Tyler Curtis

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Veteran's Day Parade

Mesa High Marching Band
Josh and Danni marched in the Veteran's Day parade this year.  I helped behind the scenes before the parade and realized what it takes to be in a parade.  They wait forever just to march for 1-2 miles.  My kids are not fans of parades and now I know why.  I was very impressed with them as they waited until it was their turn and marched like they didn't.  What a great group of kids!!!!
Highlights of the parade

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Throw Back Thursday
Earning Bobcat

Josh earned his Bobcat when he was 8 years old.  Tonight, Josh is handing in his Eagle paperwork.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Memorable Monday
Football games 2013

Football season if over - insert a tear here.  I love going to the football games and watching the kids perform on the field and having fun in the stands.  This is Josh's first year playing the sousaphone.  He made some good friends and had fun too!!  Here are some pictures of the football season.
Danni at the games
Josh at the games
I took this picture at the first football game of the season.
 It went viral in the Mesa High Marching Band community.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Emily turns 9

Emily turned 9 years old today.  We started off the day going to breakfast to celebrate her birthday.  She had yummy pancakes and then ice cream.  That's my Emmy!!  She is such a funny girl!!!!!
Emmy's Ice Cream

Here are 9 fun facts about Emily

  1. She loves to play Animal Jam
  2. She loves to stay up late and sleep in
  3. Her favorite animal are wolves
  4. She loves to play Nintendo DS
  5. She is a good reader and loves Junie B. Jones Books
  6. She doesn't like anything in her hair
  7. She loves to make videos using my camera
  8. She loves hot Cheetos
  9. She is the sweetest girl I know
Happy 9th birthday to my Emily.  Anyone who knows her, loves her.  She is growing up so fast and it's hard to imagine what life was like when she was just  a little baby.  We love you Em!!!

State Marching Festival

Mesa earned a Superior with Distinction and won all 5 captions - visual performance, general effect, musical performance, percussion, auxiliary.  They were in the top 5 and earned the right to compete in the State Marching Competition.  They did an amazing job and I couldn't be prouder.
The tubas
Danni and Britt were with the drum majors as they were rewarded
Danni, Brtt, Mr. Brook, Trevor, Mr. Souder, Mr. Cosselboom, Riley
Guard girls
Josh looks like he is having too much fun on the bus