Friday, January 29, 2016

Josh is Teaching

Josh taught Elder's Quorum today. I'm so proud of him!!  He has taught Sunday School a few times too!  Way to go Josh!!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Throw Back Thursday
Josh in Soccer

Josh played soccer for 3 years. We enjoyed watching his games, but after awhile, Josh wasn't a fan so he quit.
A few days ago, Emily bought a soccer ball with her Christmas money.  After Josh got off work, the kids went in the back yard to kick the ball around.  Watching my 4 kids play ball in the back yard just melted my heart.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

New Beginnings

This is the only YW event that all three of my girls will attend together. Danni graduates in the spring and Emily doesn't turn 12 til November, so this was a sweet night.  I love the YW program and I'm so lucky to have wonderful girls.  Danni, Angela, and Emily teach me so much and I'm so grateful that that are in my life.

Sis. Riding giving the upcoming girls a gift

YW coming in the next year.  Emmy is the next youngest

YW with leaders and Bishop

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Throw Back Thursday
Jr. Jackrabbit Concert 2014

All three girls sang on the Mesa High stage for the Jr. Jackrabbit.  Danni sang in the Mesa choir, Angela sang for the Taylor choir, and Emily was singing with the Mesa Children's Choir.  I loved watching the 3 sing of them sing on the same stage.  The final song was all of the choirs together, which means all 3 of them sang the same song on the same stage at the same time.
My 3 girls ,
Angela participated in another Jr. Jackrabbit concert.  This time, she is a junior and the only girl in my family to participate.  She is such a beautiful girl who sings with conviction.  It was fun to see her shine in the songs that she sang.  It was also fun to recognize some familiar faces in the junior high choirs who will probably join the Mesa High choir next year.  There were 400 kids singing the last song and it was a powerful one.  Good job!!!
Angela singing

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Throw Back Thursday
My family at the SLC Temple in 2006

Our stake is having Family Temple Week. When I was 12 years old, I went to the SLC to do Baptisms for the Dead. A year later, I went to the Jordan River Temple after it was dedicated.
This past week, I went  to the temple with my mom, dad, and Lisa.  It was great to be there as with my family.  So many people stopped to thank my mom for serving in the temple. She felt the love and felt very welcomed.
Pic at the temple

Monday, January 11, 2016

Memorable Monday

We had a leak in our roof during one of the rainstorms that we had this week.  It was a small leak in the laundry room.  Jim was able to get up on the roof and patch the roof with some shingles.  There was a bald spot just above the laundry room and that's how the water was getting in.  That seemed to stop the leak.

I was reminded of a time when we had our other leak in our house.  I noticed it when I felt water on the carpet.  At first, I thought it was Josh spilling water by the couch, but soon realized it was a little bit more,  Josh couldn't have spilled water in the exact spot each time.  We investigated and realized that there was water seeping through the wall.  We thought it could be the water heater, so we replaced it,  Nope, that was not it.  There is a perfectly good water heater at the dump.  We called a plumber and he told us that the leak was where the pipes came together.  The pipes in our house where faulty pipes and encouraged us to replace them.  We replaced our indoor pipes with copper ones.  This was an expensive project, but our pipes needed serious attention.  Since the leak caused problems with our wall and floor, the insurance was able to fix the costs caused by the damage, but not the replacement of the pipes.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Playing in the Snow

It snowed a lot this past week up north, so we decided to go play in the snow in Payson.  We found a park in Payson and played in the snow.  We made snow angels, played with the ice, made a small snow mound, and just played together in the snow.  AZ sure looks beautiful after a good snow storm.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Throw Back Thursday
Josh Learning to Ride a Bike

These two often go on bike rides these days.