We had a leak in our roof during one of the rainstorms that we had this week. It was a small leak in the laundry room. Jim was able to get up on the roof and patch the roof with some shingles. There was a bald spot just above the laundry room and that's how the water was getting in. That seemed to stop the leak.
I was reminded of a time when we had our other leak in our house. I noticed it when I felt water on the carpet. At first, I thought it was Josh spilling water by the couch, but soon realized it was a little bit more, Josh couldn't have spilled water in the exact spot each time. We investigated and realized that there was water seeping through the wall. We thought it could be the water heater, so we replaced it, Nope, that was not it. There is a perfectly good water heater at the dump. We called a plumber and he told us that the leak was where the pipes came together. The pipes in our house where faulty pipes and encouraged us to replace them. We replaced our indoor pipes with copper ones. This was an expensive project, but our pipes needed serious attention. Since the leak caused problems with our wall and floor, the insurance was able to fix the costs caused by the damage, but not the replacement of the pipes.