Today Governor Ducey gave an executive order to Stay Home, Stay Healthy, Stay Connected. He is asking Arizonans to limit their time away from home except to conduct essential activities such as work and obtain food. He will start this executive order on the 31st at 5pm.
Since we live in AZ, we are encouraged to get outside and enjoy the weather while being socially distant. We are encouraged to use technology to have virtual social gatherings.
I have in awe of what has taken place this past month to find ourselves at a point where we have been asked to stay home by our governor.
*On March 11th, Governor Ducey issued a Declaration of Public Health Emergency to prepare, prevent, respond, and to mitigate the Coronavirus.
*On March 12th, the Church has temporarily suspended all public gatherings
*On March 15th - Ducey closed the schools at first for 2 weeks and then for the rest of the school year.
*On March 17th - Ducey cancelled gaterrings of 10 or more people, closed retirement homes to the public.
*On March 19th - Ducey closed gyms, theaters, and bars and only allowed dine-in options only.
* On March 25th, the Church closed all the temples.
It's a weird feeling that we have been asked to stay home from church,, school, work, and other activities. We are essentially in a lockdown with our family. I'm very grateful that all of my family is living under one roof so we can do this all together..