I found this email from that was written Sept. 2005. I thought it might be fun to look back and see what the Pace family was up to back then.
It has been a long time since I e-mailed anyone. We have had a busy summer. We are glad school is here and everyone is doing well.
Jim was so busy this summer. He had a three day canoe trip in June. It was eventful. The scouts lost a canoe. It has become a permanent part of the bridge in the Colorado River. Scout camp was a week later. His troop went to Camp Raymond near Flagstaff. His boys earned a lot of merit badges. He came home for a night, then headed with the family to a reunion in Benson. In August, Jim went on a long hike. It was so long, they spent the night in the middle of the hike. There were some leaders who were supposed to meet the boys that night. In the morning, the leaders called for a local search and rescue, while the boys finished the hike. It's an experience that Jim will never forget. Jim is also really busy with work.
I am really busy with kids. Carpooling to and from school, dance, and scouts. I am involved in two book clubs. I enjoy reading and talking with the girls in the club. We do more talking than discussing the book. Thay's what clubs are for. If I just wanted to read, I wouldn't join a club.
Josh is loving school, scouts, and hanging out at home. Josh is doing very well in school. His reading has made a great improvement. I got a letter from his teacher saying that he reads at a fourth grade level. All that worring was for nothing. Josh just turned 9 and received his wolf badge. Mom just needs to sew on the patch as well as the wolf and all the other patches. My goal before he turns to a Boy Scout is to sew the patches on his shirt. Any patch will do at this point.
Dani is loving school and dance. She is our social butterfly. On the way home from school, she has to wave and say hi to as many friends as she can see. She could live at school if she wanted too. Danielle is in a 2/3 grade combo at school. She tells everyone that she is in 3rd grade. I constantly remind her that she is definitely in 2nd grade. Dani is doing well in school. She is taking a Jazz/Tap Dance class this year.
Angela is doing really well in school. She loves kindergarten and is willing to be a part of a carpool.She will receive some testing in the school. Every three years, the school will evaluate her. Angela knows the letters in the alphabet and most of their sounds. She struggles with her fine motor skill. Coloring, cutting, and writing her name is what she is working on now. She is also taking dance and loving it.
Emily is such a sweet little girl. Today she went the Phoenix Children Hospital to get an MRI. She hated every minute of it. Lucky, it was a total of 2-3 minutes. They had her tied down pretty good. The doctors are concerned about her head size. I told them that she is a Pace. But, they still wanted an MRI. I'm bringing in pictures of the family next well care visit. She is crawling everywhere. I so love that.
As you can see, we are all doing well. We appreciate all your help and concern and love you all. Thanks
8 months ago
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