Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

 Easter Pageant - We went to an Easter Pageant as a family.  Danni invited a few friends to join her.  She sat a few rows behind us with them.
Easter Pageant
Easter Weekend - Both Jeff and Debbie's family rent some rooms at a nearby resort where we spent the weekend.  We watched conference, swam, BBQ, and talked.  It was fun weekend and we loved getting to know the twins better.
So fun meeting the twins
Playing at the pool
Wall family at the pool
girl cousins
Hanging out!!!
On Easter morning, we went to the church for an Easter Egg Hunt.  The kids helped the twins find the Easter Eggs.  After the hunt, Jeff's family went to Chandler and Debbie's family went home.  It was a great way to end our Easter Weekend.
Wall Family - grand-kids
Wall Family
Easter Sunday - General Conference was on Easter this year.  Grandma Wall bought the twins some really cute Easter dresses. Danni took the girls outside and took their pictures.  She did a great job.  I took my family's Easter pics after Easter.
Twins in their Easter dresses
Spring (Easter) outfits
We didn't wear them on Easter
Pace family
Easter Gift - Angela received an amazing gift from a friend of hers.  Julieta crocheted the front of a pillow and had it mailed to her.
Angela's gift
Easter Eggs - Ella and Emily colored eggs this year instead of dyeing them.  It was something new and I think they girls had fun.
Ella and Emily

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