Monday, September 9, 2019

Memorable Monday
Parent's Car

With Jim's help, I sold my parent's van.  It was a little tough to say goodbye.  I remember driving my parents to and from the hospital and doctor's appt.  This van replaced the while one that they had for years, ever since my mom lost her hip bone.  They didn't have the black mini van for long, but the did have the white one for quite awhile.  It made it possible for my mom to get around to doctor's appt, shopping trips, Seagull trips, lunch trips. My dad took her to Utah and Benson in the white mini van and I'll always remember how lucky we were that mom was able to get around as well as she could.  These vans helped make it possible so it was hard to sell them, but with mom gone and dad in Utah, they don't serve the purpose that they were purchased for.

Blue Van - SUV

White Mini Van

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