Tuesday, June 9, 2020

David's Visit

David and his wife came to visit Lisa and her family. David and Travis used to be mission companions and Lisa and Travis have always been tight.  They texted each other and visit each other often.  Lisa even asked that David be included in the family calendar.  Lisa invited us to a dinner at her house with David, Caroline, and her family.
Lisa and David

I didn't take many pictures of this event, until I realized that all of Lisa's grandchildren and mine were in the same room.  Both Ashley and Brittany are pregnant, so there are 2 more kids not shown. This photo shoot was quick because getting 4 kids under 3 to sit still is impossible. This pics are so cute!!
My favorite
All in one picture

David brought up his camper and boat to AZ..  He plans to visit the lake and take his boat and family for a spin.  He invited us to come along, but we found out we know someone who was exposed to the virus so we need to quarantine for a few days.  We were sad, but there is always next year.

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