Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Jim’s birthday

 Jim turned 52 today and we went to Power Food Park to celebrate his birthday.  We had a great time celebrating Jim's Birthday.  Jim is such a great guy and the kids really love him.  Manny thinks he is the best.

Josh and Jim
Josh, Jim, and I

In honor of Jim's 52nd Birthday, I wanted to share 52 cool things about Jim.

  1. Jim has a great sense of humor
  2. Jim likes to watch TV shows with me at night
  3. Jim likes to camp, but it has to be more that 1 night.
  4. Jim prefers Diet Pepsi to my Diet Coke
  5. Jim loves being a Grandpa
  6. Jim loves to watch Judge Judy
  7. Jim loves Good and Plenty
  8. Jim got his Bachelor's and Master's through ASU
  9. Jim wants to get out of debt
  10. Jim loves to listen to Dave Ramsey
  11. Jim has worked with same company for 30 years
  12. Jim loves Toyotas, especially Camrys and Sequoias
  13. Jim is respectful to his parents and my parents
  14. Jim likes apples, especially Honeycrisp.
  15. Jim tells me that he loves me often.
  16. Jim helps his kids out ALL the time
  17. Jim takes Emmy to school and picks her up
  18. Jim loves to travel, especially if he gets to drive
  19. Jim makes sure that our cars are fixed and have gas.
  20. Jim surprises me with drinks often.
  21. Jim goes to the grocery store with me almost every time.
  22. Jim does like Good and Plenty & Mike-N-Ikes 
  23. Jim has blue eyes and looks good in blue
  24. Jim changes the oil in all the cars the Pace family owns.
  25. Jim works really hard to support his family.
  26. Jim served a mission in Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
  27. Jim lived in the Salt Lake Valley for several years.
  28. Jim played the Baritone in school.
  29. Jim ran track in school.
  30. Jim is patient and kind.
  31. Jim makes me laugh
  32. Jim has taught and is teaching the kids to drive
  33. Jim is a computer programmer and enjoys his job.
  34. Jim loves to do puzzles with the family.
  35. Jim makes really good chili.
  36. Jim is our superman - he flies to our rescue,
  37. Jim was the Scoutmaster for 5 years and served the boys well.
  38. Jim helps the kids with their taxes - how awesome is that.
  39. Jim is a good driver and loves to go on adventures.
  40. Jim is always patient with me.
  41. Jim helps with dinner a lot.
  42. Jim always picks up my medicine for me.
  43. Jim is an Eagle scout
  44. Jim often tells the story about when he was paddled in school..
  45. Jim saves us money by installing our appliances
  46. Jim has a good relationship with his parents and siblings
  47. Jim respects my parents and treats them well.
  48. Jim takes good care of his health
  49. Jim is the master of our Instapot
  50. Jim still gets his haircut by his parents - love that
  51. Jim learns a lot through you-tube videos
  52. Jim is an honorable priesthood holder

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