Sunday, December 16, 2007

Economics Bazaar

On Friday, the fifth-graders at Porter Elementary had an Economic Bazaar. Josh and I made reindeer ornaments out of light bulbs. We made 30 of them. Josh wanted to make a lot more. It took a long time just to make 30. The were really easy to make, but it just took a long time to paint the light bulbs. I spray painted the bulbs white then I painted the bulbs with two or three coats of brown paint. After the paint job, the process went a lot faster. Josh set up a booth and sold his reindeer for $1.00. They sold really fast. The Bazaar lasted 2 hrs. Josh's reindeer were sold in 45 min. He needs to make a few more for some friends who wanted them.
Josh had a lot of fun and learned a lot too. The money that the kids made will help fund their field trip to Sabino Canyon in Tucson in May. I vounteered to help at the event. It was fun to see all the crafts that the kids made. The students are very creative. Their parents are very creative too. Next year, Dani will be in fifth grade. I'll help her with the bazaar next year. I can't wait to see what project Dani plans to do.

1 comment:

Iralee said...

awww....I want one! I'll trade you a "turtle dove" for a reindeer bulb!