Friday, October 9, 2009

Band Concerts

This week, both Josh and Dani had band concerts. Josh's concert was on Tuesday and was an awesome concert. There were two bands that played, the Prep Band and the Symphonic Band. Both bands were amazing and did a great job. During the Symphonic Band performance, there were a couple of solos and even a student conductor. I was very impressed and know that Josh has worked hard to learn the songs that they played. Josh loves band and wants to continue playing - that's what I love to hear.

Dani's band concert was on Thursday. She had to race from Primary Softball and get ready to perform. She made it in time to get warmed up. There were two bands that played that night, the 5th and 6th grade bands. After the 5th grade band had completed their performance, a member of that band came late. Mr. A, the band teacher, helped her get set up and the band played two of the best songs. He didn't make a big deal about it, just mentioned that the band did such a great job, they were going to do an encore. I was so impressed with that. What a great teacher. It was so fun to watch Dani play and hope she continues in the years to come.

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