Monday, April 12, 2010

Memorable Monday
Raggedy Ann and Andy Dolls

Grandma Wall got Angela a Raggedy Ann doll for her birthday. Because of her long stay at various different hospitals, she was finally came home and was able to give Angela her birthday present. Angela loved it, especially because it was her Grandma that gave it to her.

My Grandma Shaw had a Raggedy Ann and Andy doll in her playroom in her house in Salt Lake. They sat in wooden rocking chairs and my sister and I loved seeing them there when we visited. These dolls are very nostalgic and I often remember Grandma Shaw when I see them. These dolls represent the simple times when we visited Grandma Shaw. A few Halloweens ago, my sister and I dressed Angela and her cousin up as Raggedy Ann and Andy. They looked adorable.

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