Monday, June 28, 2010

Memorable Monday
Giving Blood

On Saturday, I donated blood during our Stake Blood Drive. I remembered the staff telling me to take it easy after I give blood, but how can a mom of 4 do that. I took it easy for a couple of hours and then went to a party with the Pyles. I ended up spending 4 hours in the pool and found myself getting weak afterwards. I always do more than I should after giving blood. Saturdays are busy days and are not good days for me to give blood.

I remember the first time that I donated blood shortly after 9/11. I made some plans afterwards to go to a scrapbook convention. I felt great after giving blood and made sure that I had plenty of fluids before I left with my friends. I had a great time at the convention for the first hour and then it hit me. I started to feel very weak and needed to sit down for awhile. I told myself that I would take it easy again after I donated blood again. I forget everytime that I should take it easy for the day.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Camp Geronimo

Josh went to Camp Geronimo with another scout troop. Our ward didn't go to scout camp this year and I really wanted Josh to go. Jim asked Iralee if Josh could go with Seph to camp Geronimo this year. The scoutmaster agreed and plans were made. Seph moved back to Utah before his troop went to Geronimo, but Josh still went with that scout troop. Josh was very anxious at first, but he knew some boys from school and had a great time. He earned the woodcarving merit badge and received a few partials.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Memorable Monday
Goodbye Pics

Mardy and Iralee moved back to Utah this past week. We are really going to miss them. We made a lot of good memories while they lived here this past 9 months. During their last week, we took family pictures, had our traditional FHE at the park, held a goodbye/birthday party for Lissie, and helped them move out of their house. It was fun to say goodbye to them as they head back to Spanish Fork.

Almost 14 years ago, Mardy and Iralee were living here in Mesa and decided to move to Spanish Fork. Since there were a lot of little ones, we had a goodbye get-together with all the little cousins - look how much they grew.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

"My daddy is my favorite pal, and I help him every day. It's plain to see I want to be like him in every way. He teaches me that honesty is best in all I do. I'm very glad that he's my dad. And I know he loves me too." "The father of our home leads our family with wisdom's light in all that's right; my father's good to me. Fathers are so special with a very special love. They watch us and protect us. They guide and direct us back to our home above."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Volleyball Camp

Dani and a couple of her friends went to Volleyball Camp at Mesa High this summer. Dani played YW volleyball in the spring and really enjoyed it. This volleyball camp was structured and she learned a lot of volleyball skills and hopefully she can use during her YW volleyball games. She really enjoyed going with her friends and it was fun to snap a picture of them after their class.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Family Pictures

The Pace family gathered together for a family photo. It's been a while since we had a big family picture, so we planned a time and made the photo shoot happen. The pictures turned out awesome.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Dance Recital

Dani had her dance recital today and she did an awesome job. Dani loves to tap dance and I so glad that she has this opportunity to learn from one of the best. Dani has taken tap dance for several years and love it. Tonight, she danced to "Pennsylvania 6-5000". You can find Dani at home with her tap shoes on dancing on the kitchen floor or making dances for Angela and Emily to perform. She wants to be a tap teacher when she grows up. I love to watch Dani tap dance.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

"Faith in God"

Dani earned her Faith in God - Congrats Dani - We are so proud of you.  This is such an inspired program and I'm so glad that my kids get to participate in it and learn the values from the Gospel Standards.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Memorable Monday
Top Ten

I've been struggling what to write about during my Memorable Mondays.  I want to continue this tradition and write a little bit about me through my blog.  I want my kids to get to know me better.  I found a website that offer personal history challenges and I thought I would give it a try when I struggle with topics for my Memorable Monday.

Challenge # 1 - If you were forced to go back to go back in time to the olden days, but were allowed to take 10 modern conveniences with you, what would you take?

1- I would take my camera with endless amount of memory and battery life.  I love to take pictures and I love to capture memories that I can look back on.

2 - I would take a refrigerator/freezer.  I need to keep my cold food cold and not spoil.  I also need my ice to keep my drinks cold.  It would be awesome if the fridge stocked itself with yummy food.

3- I need AC if I'm going to live in Phoenix.  There is NO way that I could live in the hot heat without a little bit of relief.

4- I need my computer complete with Internet access.  Need I say more?

5. I need a working car with AC - I love to walk, but when I wait last minute to go somewhere, I need to get there fast.

6. Health and Beauty items - I need all items to be beautiful and healthy - medicine  hair products, dental care items.  OK that's more than 1 item, but I NEED them all.

7. I need a water heater, so I can have my hot baths when I need them.

8.  I need a stove/oven to cook dinner.  I'm not thrilled with learning how to cook over a fire.  

9. I need a working toilet that flushes complete with toilet paper.  This is a must!!!!!

10. I need a washer to keep up with all the clothes my family wears.  I don't think I can get out stains as well as my washer can.