Friday, June 14, 2013

Steve's Visit

Steve came to visit out family this past week.  This was the first time that we met little Audrey and we were super excited to see her.  We had a great visit with them.  We went to various places and went out to eat too!  We had an amazing time reconnecting with Steve and his family.
We are excited to see Steve and his family!!!!
* One day we spent an afternoon at Mukutu's Island.  There is a huge tree is the center with a playground and slides surrounding it.  It's so fun for the kids and adults alike.  Lisa, Steve, and I were climbing and playing just like the kids did,.  It seems like the three of us never grew up either.

Steve and the kids
Kids having fun!!!!
* We went swimming that evening at Alex and Cortney's pool. It was so nice of them to have us over.  We swam in their pool and the hot top.  It was June, so most of us spent time in the pool.

* We went to the Dinosaur Museum - aka the Arizona Museum of History of Natural History.  We toured the museum and panned for gold.  Debbie and her family came with us along with Joey and Kenzie.  We had so much fun touring the museum.  Afterwards we went to Native New Yorker for lunch.  I loved spending this day with my family.
Family Pic - this was before the tour
Having fun at the museum
Panning for Gold
Mom, Dad, Steve, Deb, and I

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