Monday, May 20, 2013

Memorable Monday
TJHS Choir Booster President

As the year winds down and concert season is over, I wanted to look back at my service as the Taylor Choir Booster President.  It was an honor to work with the kids at Taylor and get to know them better.  I really enjoyed getting to know the teachers in the Performing Arts program at Taylor.  They were patient with me and let me walk around their building as a VIP.  I will remember serving dinner for the kids, chaperoning the MAC festival, selling concessions, and helping out with the jog-a-thon.  Being the president was totally reaching out of my comfort zone, but I learned a lot about myself.  I learned that I can do hard things and talk to people.  I'm not that shy person that I was in high school.

Danni and I before MAC festival

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