Sunday, May 17, 2015


Josh had Baccalaureate tonight. I had never been to one before, was I was anxious and we arrived early, maybe a little too early. One of the speakers that evening as one of  Josh's favorite teacher, Mr. Baser.  How cool is that to have one of your favorite teachers speak.  In his talk, he mention  that this class was his last "Team Up" class.  That's when Mr. Baser first met Josh.  One of the student speakers was a student that Josh knew from his Porter days.  It was a great program and I'm so glad that I went.  I loved taking the pictures afterwards too!!  You know me - I LOVE getting pics!!  
Mr. Baser 
Some of Josh's friends 
Josh with Jim and I
Seniors part II
Josh and Danni - Danni sang the closing song

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