Yesterday the temperature in our car registered 120 degrees when we went to dinner at my parents house for dinner. It was really hot. Summer's in AZ can be hot, but we are having a big heat wave. When I walked outside, I felt like I was in an oven. I know people say it's a dry heat, but it doesn't make it feel any better. People who say it's just a dry heat should live though a AZ summer.
Today as I thought about the extreme heat and my recent battle with skin cancer, I remembered the sunburns that I received as a youth. I remember burning really bad at lake trips and being so burnt that it hurt. I remember sitting in boats and feeling my legs burn. After one boating trip, we attended wedding reception with my face really red. We were asked to help out at Cathy's wedding. Cathy was one of my cousins from Roy and Jeri.
You can tel that I look miserable |
My skin burns, peels, and then goes back to being white again. I don't even tan so there is no point just basking in the sun. So, sun screen and lip balm are a couple of items needed every day when I go out to face the sun. I'm working super hard to take care of my skin in the summer.