We had a great week. The kids are doing well. Did I tell you Emily is walking? We are so excited. In a month, she gets to go to nursery. I can bring my scriptures to church. I haven't been able to bring them for a long time. When I was released from primary, I took my scriptures and manual with all the baby supplies. I learned my lesson. I spend most of church in the hall with my daughter. She is very loud and talkative. I love that and cherish it. She says mommy, daddy, bye-bye, Josh, Angela. I'm not sure if she says Dani because it sounds like Daddy. She says other words too.
Josh is getting ready for Pinewood Derby. It is on Saturday with the weigh-in on Friday night. The car is still in the box. Jim has a busy schedule so I don't when it will be done. Josh can't stay up nights to help because he has testing. Maybe we will race the block of wood down the track.
Dani and Angela are getting ready for their dance show in June. They are working really hard in dance. Dani is taking a 1 hour tap class. The class is for 7-11 year olds. Angela is taking a 1 hr. ballet, tap, and gym class. Her class is for the 3-5 year olds. Angela is 6, but is still taking the class. She needs to take that class. Next year, I'll bump her up.
Dani had her first activity day. She had a lot of fun. There are a lot of girls her age.
Jim and I painted the girl's room this weekend. We painted it purple to match the comforters that Grandma Pace gave them. The room looks sharp. It's amazing the power of a good paint job. The front room is next. It will be awhile. Every Saturday in April is booked.
We watched Conference and put it on DVD's. We decided to listen to a talk a day until the Ensign comes out. It will be nice to be reminded what was on conference too. Especially those talks we slept through.