Saturday, April 29, 2017

Gutherie Prom

Danni took Angela to a special needs prom that her company was putting on.  She took Angela dress shopping, did her hair, and then attended the PROM with her.  They had a nice meal and then danced the night away.  Danni mentioned that Angela had a great time and took lots of pictures and shared them throughout the evening.  Danni is so sweet to Angela and takes the time to make memories with her.  She is an awesome sister.Those 2 girls have a unique  relationship and I'm grateful for it.

Danni and Angela all dressed up
Angela at Gutherie - Even had a nameplate

Monday, April 24, 2017

Memorable Monday
6th Spring Pics

Here are pics of my kid's  6th-grade pictures.  I love the different backgrounds, each one is unique just like each of my kids   These were the last pics taken in elementary school - at  Porter.  

Friday, April 21, 2017

Joseph and Ashley Sessions

Joseph Sessions asked Ashley to marry him and it's been so fun to watch the two of them prepare for the wedding and reception.  They did so much of the planning and decorating themselves, so it totally shows off their personality.  

Showers- Ashley had a very nice reception at her friends house.  She received some very nice gifts and spent the afternoon with some great friends and family members.  Her future in-laws couldn't make it to the shower, so they had a little party for Ashley starting at the nail salon and ending at the Sessions home for dinner.  It was a lot of fun and Danni was able to come with me for both occasions.

Her dessert table

Ashley with her sister and mom
Danni with Ashley and friends getting nails done.

Ring Ceremony - Ashley and Joseph had a ring ceremony the night before the wedding.  Pres. Millett was asked to give a few remarks and talked a lot about what it takes to keep communication open in a marriage.  I learned a lot that night by listening to his remarks.  We had a yummy Mexican dinner that night complete with cinnamon rolls.  Josh skipped his band class for the ceremony and I'm so glad that he did.  It wouldn't have been complete without him.

Cort and Alsex

The Boys
Emmy and Kenzie

Danni and Angela

Girls Decorating with Rose Petals


Ashley and Joseph

Lisa and I
Wedding Day - Ashley and Joseph were married around 11:00 on a Friday.  We let the girls skip school that day so we could devote the whole day to the wedding.  We drove as a family to the temple, and then the kids went to Fiiz during the ceremony.  It was a hot day and waiting outside was really not much of an option.  The wedding ceremony was beautiful and I was reminded of the covenants that I made when I married Jim.  After the wedding, we had the usual pictures plus some really fun ones.  My sisters and I had to much fun stealing bridesmaid bouquets and taking own pics.

My family
Jim and I

Congrats Ashley and Joseph
I love my sisters and parents 

Pics at the temple

Ashley and my girls
Wedding Reception - Ashley and Joseph had western reception in an open barn.  It was really unique and it turned out really well.  It was great to see how many people came to support Ashley and Joseph.  They had a lot of Boise missionaries that came to support them and I know that it meant a lot to them.   Ashley and Joseph both wore boots at the reception - both country at heart.

Reception Pics

A Country Wedding

Monday, April 17, 2017

Memorable Monday
Kid’s 7th Easter

Here are some pics of my kid's 7th Easter.  I love getting Easter outfits for my kids, especially matching dresses for my girls.  Danni and Angela matched most of the time.  When my girls got older, I wanted to get dresses that didn't match.  I love taking their pics too.  Sometimes they didn't, but I did anyways.  It's fun to see pics of my kids side by side at the same age.  I will never tire of it.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Relief Society Univiersity

We introduced RSU. Relief society university! There is a packet with different courses in it. We want you to pick one or two subjects and work in them. It is a 3 month course, with a graduation at the end. A great year to start the new year and progress this year,

This was a fun program just to get us to make goals.  It was fun as we learned new things and continued good habits.  We did it for 2 months and then had a graduations.  Everyone graduated no matter how much of the packet we did,  The goal is to be better today than we were yesterday.  It was a fun thing thing to do as a Relief Society.

Easter 2017

 We did a few things this Easter season to make memories.  

*We attended the Easter Pageant which was fun.  We went as a family, and Angela and Emily went with the YW.  Angela got a picture with Sis. Haynie in the pageant this year.  I love seeing people we know in the Pageant. I really like the angels on top, the Parable of the Ten Lepers, and the ascension of Jesus.

*This year, we dyed Easter Eggs by tying silk ties around raw eggs and cooking them in water.  I wanted to try something new this year and this was it.  The eggs turned out great, but it was a lot more work than I thought it would be.   We did a few traditional too.

*Easter Sunday is always fun for me to get some cute pics of my family.  I have a great bunch and I never get enough photos of them.  
Easter Pic

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Goodbye Kade

Kade joined the NAVY.  Mindy threw Kade a big send off.  We had a great dinner and great conversation.  Mindy decorated her home NAVY complete with toy soldiers for us to take home to remember those serving our country.  Mindy also had a photo booth, so we could remember one of NAVY's finest.  We are going to miss Kade and so glad that we were able to send him off in style.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Throw Back Thursday
Angela on Bus

Angela is checking out the school bus on the first day of preschool. She chose to have her mom drive her instead. The bus was a no go. The transition from AzIP to preschool was a breeze compared to the transition coming up. But, we survived the first day of preschool. We can survive the transition to adulthood in a year.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Memorable Monday
Journal Entry April 3, 2006

We had a great week.  The kids are doing well.  Did I tell you Emily is walking?  We are so excited.  In a month, she gets to go to nursery.  I can bring my scriptures to church.  I haven't been able to bring them for a long time.  When I was released from primary, I took my scriptures and manual with all the baby supplies.  I learned my lesson.  I spend most of church in the hall with my daughter.  She is very loud and talkative.  I love that and cherish it.  She says mommy, daddy, bye-bye, Josh, Angela.  I'm not sure if she says Dani because it sounds like Daddy.  She says other words too.  

Josh is getting ready for Pinewood Derby.  It is on Saturday with the weigh-in on Friday night.  The car is still in the box.  Jim has a busy schedule so I don't when it will be done.  Josh can't stay up nights to help because he has testing.  Maybe we will race the block of wood down the track.  

Dani and Angela are getting ready for their dance show in June.  They are working really hard in dance.  Dani is taking a 1 hour tap class.  The class is for 7-11 year olds.  Angela is taking a 1 hr. ballet, tap, and gym class.  Her class is for the 3-5 year olds.  Angela is 6, but is still taking the class.  She needs to take that class.  Next year, I'll bump her up.  

Dani had her first activity day.  She had a lot of fun.  There are a lot of girls her age. 

Jim and I painted the girl's room this weekend.  We painted it purple to match the comforters that Grandma Pace gave them.  The room looks sharp. It's amazing the power of a good paint job.  The front room is next.  It will be awhile.  Every Saturday in April is booked.  

We watched Conference and put it on DVD's.  We decided to listen to a talk a day until the Ensign comes out.  It will be nice to be reminded what was on conference too.  Especially those talks we slept through.