Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Getting Ready for School

School is starting and there is a lot of things that we had to do this year to prepare for it.

1.  We had to go to Mesa High and pick up Angela's computer.  This year, each student is given a computer which they are responsible for all year.  Their textbooks are the computer too, so need to check out textbooks.  YAY!!!!

2. Emily got a new violin.  She has been playing 1/2 size violin and has totally outgrown it.  We really needed to give her a larger size and heading off to junior high school is a great time to make that switch, so we did.  I love that she is playing orchestra in junior high.  That's when I started, so she is already 3 yrs ahead of me.

3. Emmy got her haircut.  Since she is going to Taylor Junior High, I wanted to her hair to look fabulous without much work.  We gave her layers in hope that it would make her hair curler in all the right places.

4. We went to tour Taylor and Emily's classes.  We caught up with some of Emily's friends and of course, I had to snap a picture.  After touring Emily's  classes, we realized that they had her in the wrong team.  So, changes to her schedule were made last minute.  I really hate that.
Emily and Lily
Emily, Lily, Brooke, Natalie, and a Gardner cousin
We found Vivian, so we had to get another picture.

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