Monday, November 6, 2017

Memorable Monday
7th Halloween

Halloween costumes are the best part of Halloween.  It's wear to dress up and be someone else for the night.  I love dressing my kids up and taking their pictures just before they go to the trunk or treat.  It's fun to look back on the younger years and see remember what costumes we chose.  I wish I remember why we chose this particular costumes,  Was money a factor?  Did we borrow the costume from someone?  Did we buy it?  I think the mystery of not knowing adds to Halloween night.

7 years of Halloween costumes and they look great every year.  As Angela and Emily get older, Lisa and I don't get together to get the kids together and get ready.  Angela and Emily don't like their hair to be done too much, so it's perfect.  Josh was really brave and we dyed his hair and drew a scar on him.  He looks like a different kid.  Danni's hair is perfect for her.  I love how their costumes turned out.  The kids are all ready for a night of Halloween and Trick or Treating.
Josh - Harry Potter
Danni - Snow Queen
Angela - Angel
Emily - Clown

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