I was born on July 4th, 1969 at 4:41 pm to Raymond Lawrence Wall and Arlene Burbidge. I weighed 6 lbs. and 14 oz. and 20 inches. long. I was born in the Cottonwood Hospital in Murray, UT. . My mom was in labor for quiet a while. I never paid attention when she told me how long. My dad waited in the foyer. I am their oldest child.
I was the first granddaughter born on both sides. My mom couldn't get a hold of her friends and family to tell her the good news because of holiday My Grandma Shaw w was so excited to about my birth. She tired to call her friends too, because they were all out of town due to the holiday I didn't always like having my birthday on Independence Day, but I do now
My full name is Tamra Lee Wall. I was named after Debbie Reynolds's character Tammy in "Tammy and the Bachelor". I have yet to see the movie. My nickname is Tami. When I was younger, I spelled in Tammy like the character. During the summer between middle school and high school, I changed the spelling to Tami. I wrote my name all summer long to get the name just right. I spelled my name Tammy until I entered high school. Then I changed it to Tami. I practiced all summer so I could spell it right. Since it was a nickname, I could spell it anyway I want to. Most people spell Tamra - Tamera or Tamara. I had a hard time with that. Everyone spelled it wrong.
I was also named after my Grandpa Lee Burbidge. My middle name bears his name. He was killed in a jeep accident when my mom was only 4 years old. I feel very honored to bear his name. I want to live my life in a way that would make him proud.
In high school, there was a girl named Tammy Watts Our names were very similar. One day in school, I was called to see the registrar. They were concerned that I hadn't passed some key test to graduate. I knew that I passed those tests. I looked up my name on a chart and the told the registrar that I pass the test. Apparently they had me mixed up with Tammy Watts. Another teacher mixed us up too. She wrote in my yearbook "Watt a girl. She thought I was Tammy Watts. One day I joined a musical group. It was an orchestra with many different schools. There was a girl there that played the violin. Her name was Tammy Wall too. That is so weird. I married Jim and took his last name. I love that man.