Monday, September 10, 2018

Memorable Monday
Josh's Baby Blanket

I found this cute blanket that used to be Josh’s baby blanket. I wanted to loan it to Danni and her little one. I would love to have the lace removed and either add new lace or sewn together without the lace.I found a neighbor who was willing to take on this project. 

Through this process, I found our that this blanket used to belong to Jim when he was a baby.  Myrna got the blanket from the Baskins, their good friends from Salt Lake City.  I showed  Myrna the blanket and she was so pleased that such a treasure could be mended and passed down.  It's a beautiful blanket and I love the idea of passing down heirlooms.  Maybe one day, Josh
can pass this blanket down to his son.

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