Thursday, May 25, 2023

Emily's Graduation

Emily graduated from high school - YAY!!  She worked really hard during her junior and senior years.  She took EVIT in the afternoon, 3 Mesa High classes plus seminary, and a total of 3 year-round MDLP classes.  That was a huge load to take.  She only got 2 B's in all of her classes, which happened to be the MDLP classes.  We are so proud of Emily and her hard work.

Emily by the new Mesa High sign
Emily getting ready to graduation

Emily played her violin at her graduation.  They played 5 songs, so she was busy that night.  She played Celebration Fanfare  Pomp and Circumstance, Star Spangled Banner, Battle Hymn of the Republic, and Carry On.  The first song was just for this graduation.  The other songs are played every year.
Emily played with the orchestra
MHS orchestra seniors with Mr. Nichols

Kenzie Clawson designed the program cover and she did an amazing job.  It looks super cool.  Because she won the contest, she earned a couple of field seats.  Kenzie already received 4 field seats because she is the 5 and last to graduate in her family from Mesa High.  It's a cool tradition that Mesa High has and it was awesome to get benefit from it.  

Program with field seating tickets

It was a great night, but the best part of the night is celebrating with Emily on the field.  We couldn't wait to give her her lai and celebrate this great accomplishment with her.  Congratulations Emily!!!

Emily and her diploma
Em with her parents
Emily and Kenzie

Emily and Mr. Nichols
Emily with Brandon

Emily and Karina - only graduates from preschool
Abbey moved and Kate graduated early

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