Monday, February 11, 2008

Court of Honor

Our ward had their Court of Honor on Sunday. Josh earned his Tenderfoot, Second Class, and the Citizenship in the Nation merit badge. He has been busy in scouts. He has great scout leaders. The 11 yr. old scouts went to Phoenix one day and earned the merit badge. Jim enjoys playing the role of "father of a scout" in Josh's scouting instead of being just a scoutmaster. At the Court of Honor, the scouts played a game to learn more about scouting. It worked because we all learned something new. Being a parent to a scout is different than being a spouse to a scout. Jim turned 39 on Sunday, we will celebrate it on another date.

1 comment:

Bren's Life said...

Fun Fun! I have no idea about Scouts & am intimidated at Cub Scout things at times... But now that Troy is the Cub Master he is doing more with Josh.