Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Josh's 14th Birthday

14 Things about Josh
  1. Josh loves the game of chess. He loves to play chess and learn moves that will help him to become a better player. He loves competing and hanging out with his chess friends.
  2. Josh loves to read fantasy books. He is very picky about which books to read, but once he likes a book he will read it often.
  3. Josh likes school and enjoys science, history, and math and does really well in those subjects. He would love to pursue a career in any of those fields.
  4. Josh loves to play with his younger sisters and has a very tender heart when it comes to those two.
  5. Josh loves to play strategic board games like Risk, Stratego, Monopoly, and many others. He enjoys card games such as Phase 10, Uno, and similar cards games as well.
  6. Josh loves to play musical instruments. He is currently playing the clarinet, bass clarinet, piano, and guitar. He loves to pick his own music to play too.
  7. Josh loves to play video games and he helps his younger two sisters figure out how to play video games.
  8. Josh needs his fan on to sleep. He can't sleep with out it.
  9. Josh enjoys scouts, especially the campouts. He has been on some great campouts these past few years and it has given him great experiences.
  10. Josh's favorite TV show is Psych and Doctor Who. He loves to watch the Star Wars movies - all 9 of them.
  11. Josh's loves eating pepperoni pizza, chips with Pace salsa, and QT drinks, especially the blue raspberry flavor mixed with sour green apple flavor.
  12. Josh has participated in some new sports lately - golfing and biking
  13. Josh has been doing a lot of service projects lately and some of it he enjoys.
  14. Josh like to golf and work out with his dad at the gym.

Today Josh turned 14 years old. We went to Jason's Deli in the rain to celebrate his big day. After dinner, we came home for presents and cake. We later celebrated his birthday at Grandma's house.

Josh and some friends went to Sorcerer's Apprentice for his birthday. I think he really had a great time.

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