Sunday, August 15, 2010


Today, I was released as the Relief Society Secretary. I really enjoyed serving in this calling and getting to know the sisters in our ward. It was a rewarding calling and I'll miss it terribly. I served in this calling for 2 1/2 years and learned so much. As a presidency, we often attended the temple together, studied for special lessons, visited new and inactive members, learned from each other's spiritual thoughts, and grew to love each other. It was an experience that I will never forget and I'm so grateful that I had the opportunity to serve in the Relief Society.

I did receive a new calling - Advancement Committee for Boy Scouts. I ready to take on this new calling and learn more about scouting.


Shelly and Ron Huber said...

Yeah! That was fun! Mason keeps asking me to look at Dani's pics! What a super cute girl you have!

Kim said...

It was good to work with you secretary-wise when I was in Primary.
Advancement committee, that will be good for you to keep Josh on his toes. (Although he is already pretty advanced with Scouting requirements.)