Monday, February 7, 2011

Memorable Monday
New Beginnings

Our ward had the YW New Beginning Program on Wednesday night titled "Keepers of His Light". It was a beautiful program where leaders and Young Women talked about the YW Values. There were lamps scattered throughout the room and as each valued was discussed, the lamp was turned on. When all the values were completed, the room was lit. I loved hearing that we can light the world by keeping the YW values
I found an old New Beginnings program for when I was a laurel and it was titled "Oil in our Lives". The YW did a reader's theater and I gave a talk. After the program, the leaders presented certificates. I don't remember the program, but the message was the same. We had the same YW values, except for virtue which was added a few years ago. The Motto was "Stand for Truth and Righteousness" .
It's nice to know that the YW program hasn't changed much of the years and the message is the to Stand for Truth and Righteousness and Keep His Light. What a great reminder!!

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