January 5th - My son brought home a french horn. He is going to play clarinet in Jazz Band and the french horn in Symphonic Band. I guess playing the clarinet for 2 hours a day could get a little boring.
January 6th - We really appreciate you friends and love. We hope your 2012 will be a great year for you.
January 8th - 2012 = CHANGE - Wish kids turning 12,14,16, & 8 - this year will bring some good changes to the Pace household. Tonight my 11 yr. old will attend her first fireside tonight. I can't believe my kids are growing up - it brings tears to my eyes.
January 13th - Music Man tryouts for Taylor are over!!! Congrats Danni for getting a part in the school play.
January 17th - I cut Emily's hair. This is the first complete hair cut that I've given any of my kids. I was very intimated to cut my child's hair. I just decided to go for it and cut her hair. It's shorter than I would have liked, but it'll grow. It's not a perfect cut, but I hope the curl will show more.
January 24th - A powerful moment during the State of the Union as Gabby Gifford stood with colleagues, one Republican and one Democrat. They stood with her, supported her, and helped her. I wish that all the members of Congress could support those they represent as those two gentlemen helped Congressman Gifford. It was a great example of a Democrat and Republican helping someone they care about. One of he Congressman represents my family and that thought came to me and I wanted to share it.
January 25th - My daughter, Angela, is going to YWs tonight. I wonder what Emily will do without her??
January 26th - Josh has a band concert this evening, so he stayed after school for a couple of dress rehearsals. He probably won't be home until 9:00 - which means he will have been at school for 14 1/2 hours. Danni is still at school too - that will be 10 hours of school for her. That's crazy!!! I don't know when they will get their HW done.
January 27th - Josh performed last night with the Mesa High Jazz Band and the Mesa High Band. During one of the Jazz Songs, Josh did some improvisation It was so good to hear Josh perform on the MHS stage. He has been working really hard with him improvisation and performing them in front of a huge audience. I would have a hard time soloing a written piece let alone doing a solo improvising. Good Job Josh!!!!
January 27th - At the last minute, my son went on a snow campout. I dropped him off at the church 3 hours ago. I just notice that he left his sleeping bag in the car. Opps!!! I hope he doesn't freeze. There must be a merit badge requirement for surviving in the AZ cold w/o a sleeping bag.
January 31st - Angela and Emily memorized all 13 Articles of Faith last year. They were recognized for this accomplishment on Sunday. This was Angela's 3rd time and Emily's
February 3rd - Angela is on a Field Trip to Taylor this morning. I'm so anxious about her going to Junior High next year!!!!!!
February 11th - I had a great weekend with my family. Friday was Jim's birthday and we were able to spend the day with him. Emily had a dance recital and Danni had an Honor Choir's performance. It was great to spend some quality time with my family. I learned later in the day that my Aunt Anna passed away. She is spend some quality time with her husband who died almost 30 years ago. Family is truly FOREVER!!!
February 14th - Happy 100th Birthday Arizona!!!
February 14th - I'm not a fan of Valentine's Day, but watching me sweet husband help the girls make their valentine this weekend was great, We made homemade valentines this year. Jim cut them out after I printed them. Thanks Jim!!!!
February 15th - My son spend yesterday at CGCC at a Jazz Band Clinic He performed with her group, watched over bands, and attended an awesome concert. He has had some many great opportunities in music, especially this year as a freshman. He was so glad to be away from school on Valentine's Day.
February 17th - My husband's company turned 100 years on Wed. WOW!!!!
February 18th - I attended the funeral of a sweet lady this morning. We will miss you Aunt Anna!!
February 24th - My son is on his way to NAU for a Jazz Festival! He is super excited and is going to have a great day! I just wish I could go with him on this trip.
Februray 24th - I love all the political ads that come in the mail. They make the best dustpans!!!
February 28th - My son LOVES being a freshman this year, especially days like today. The sophomores are taking the AIMS, so he gets half the day off. The other half of his day will consist of jazz band, band, and seminary. What a lucky kid he is today!!! Next year, he will not be so lucky - But his sister will be!!!!
February 29th - Happy Birthday to my sweet Angela!!!!! Even though this is her 3rd birthday, she turned 12 today. We are super excited that she gets to have a birthday this year!! Happy Birthday Ang!!!!
March 2nd - I love watching and listening to the Mesa High Performing Arts.
* Last Night, my family attend Bearuty and the Beast and we thoroughly loved it. The orchestra pit did a fabulous job!! Great job Ashley!!!
*Today I was able to go to a Band/Orchestra Festival and hear the MHS kids perform. They performed very well and it was a treat just to hang out with them. Great Job Josh and Ashley!!
March 7th - My daughter had a small solo at the MHS concert last night. Their junior high choir did an amazing job with "Defying Gravity" and got a standing ovation from the high school kids. It was great to see my daughter on the Mesa High stage where she will perform next year.
March 10th - Happy Birthday Danni!!!
March 14th - My kids are spending too much time @ school during Spring Break!!! It's tough to plan family events when I have to figure out their school schedule during SPRING BREAK!!!!! My kids are involved in some great things right now, so I can't complain.
March 18th - You gotta love spring in AZ!!! Friday it was 85 degrees and I was super hot with the car AZ running and two days later its about 55 degrees with snow on the outskirts of Phoenix.
March 17th - Jim and I were married 17 years ago on St. Patrick's Day!!
March 18th - You gotta love spring in AZ!!! Fridya it was 85 degrees and I was super hot with the AC running and two days later, it's about 55 degree with snow on the outskirts of Phoenix.
March 26th -MHS is showing Beauty and the Beast again this week on Mon, Thurs, and Friday. Taylor will open the show with one of their musical numbers to advertise their musical (Music Man Jr.) at the end of April. Danni is in that musical number and I'm so excited to see her tonight. I love to see junior high kids perform on a high school stage. It helps bridge the gap from junior high school to high school. Good luck to the Taylor Music Man cast and the Mesa High cast. The orchestra pit for the Beauty and the Beast is AWESOME!!!!!!!!
March 30th - Today is the last day of missionary week for MHS seminary. Josh has not played video games, watched TV, listened to music, nor texted this whole week. Josh didn't complain about making those sacrifices - he just found something better to do. One night, he invited a friend over and they made homemade rolls. Good job Josh!!!!!
April 2nd - I got a text from Angela. At first, I thought that Danni was texting for her, but realized that Ang was doing it by herself. Soon she'll be more text savvy than me!
April 3rd - Josh is going to New York for the rest of the week. It was hard to leave him at the security checkpoint. I want to see that he got on the place and watch it take off. I'll have to settle with looking at the website to see the status of his flight. Have fun Josh!!!!!
April 7th -Emmy woke this morning super excited!!! Josh is coming home tonight!!!! She is more excited to see her brother than a visit from the Easter Bunny. How sweet!!!!!
April 7th - 11:30 Saturday night - I have all my peeps at home just in time for Easter.
April 14th - What a day!!! It was jammed packed from morning til evening. It's amazing how much you can get done in a day!!!
April 23rd - My son has a jazz concert tonight at MHS. He is in two jazz band this year - Jazz Band Combo and Jazz Band II. I think he will have a solo with the combo tonight. He has been doing a lot of improvisational solos with that band. Good luck tonight Josh!!!!!
April 26th - Danni is performing in "The Music Man" tonight and tomorrow at Taylor. The show starts at 7:00 and it costs $5 at the door.
April 28th - Danni in Music Man - thanx Julie for the pic!!!!
May 4th - Jim's sweet Grandma passed away on Monday. She was a sweet lady and I'm so glad that I had the privilege of knowing her.
May 9th - I loved the rain today!!!! What a great surprise!!
May 11th - Today is Angels's big IEP Meeting to prepare her for Junior High. Wish us luck!!!!
May 13th - Angela gave a talk this morning in Sacrament Meeting. It was so sweet to hear her give her talk.
May 14th - I went grocery shopping today and couldn't find anything. I hate when the store rearrange stuff.
May 15th - The Angel Moroni is going on top of the Gilbert Temple today. SO COOL!!!! We stopped by the temple last night on our way to a family dinner and saw the Angel Moroni and hear that he was going up today.
May 22nd - I attended the May Band Concert. It was Josh and Ashley's last band concert together. It was cool that they were able to perform at MHS together.
May 23rd - Angela received the Citizenship award at Porter this year - Congrats!!!
May 23rd - I took a pictures of Danni and Kaylynn after receiving their junior high promotions. Congrats!!! How luck to attend school with your cousin.
May 23rd - I went to Cortney's Institute Graduation. She just found ou that she was getting her 2 year certificate. Her sister graduated from Seminary the exact same time. It's too band that they are in different stakes! Congrats to my niece!!!!!!
May 24th - I'm so sad that today is the last day of school. Next year, Angela is off to junior high and Danni is off to high school. We decided to put Angela at Taylor where there are great special ed teachers there to help her transition.
May 24th -Congrats to all the seniors that graduated!!!! I attended MHS graduation and cheered my niece Ashley Clawson on!
May 25th - Yesterday was the last day of school and then Josh informs me that he needs to be at school today to help organize music for the band. It seems like the band is always in session.
June 1st -I just returned from Girl's Camp and had an amazing time. I met some fabulous girls and women. I loved being there with my two girls!!!
June 4th - My daughter started a program at the local junior high today called "Jump Start". A staff member found her sitting by herself and was lost and disoriented. This is not a good way to start at TJHS!! I'm so grateful that the staff member took the time to point my gir in the right direction. I'm not surprised to hear this news. I hope to work our these kinks at Jump Start, so she is know where to go on the first day of school.
June 26th - I was watching the news this morning and they mentioned that 12 years ago, the temperature in Phoenix reached 122 degrees. I remember that hot day!! I guess 109 doesn't sound that bad.
June 29th - To my Mesa friends, Dowtown Mesa is having their fireworks this Saturday @ 9:30.
June 30th - My older three are at the lake this morning. I'm going to snuggle with my youngest daughter and spoil her this morning.
June 30th - I have GREAT kids. Josh and Danni took great care of Angela while at the lake today. She had a blast and she came home without a sunburn. Thanks Josh and Danni!!!!
July 4th - Thanks for the birthday wishes!!! I had a great birthday and Mother Nature cooled in down for an enjoyable day.
July 5th - I'm going to miss seeing Steve Nash in a Sun's uniform. I'm tired of good Suns players being traded over the years!!!!!
July 11th - I received the younger two kids' school information in the mail. It started to sink in that Angela is heading to junior high school in a month. Where did all the time go?
July 13th - My kids have one week left of summer break, except Emily . My two older kids have a two week band camp and Angela has a week of choir camp. After the camps, there is orientation, and registration. I only have 1 week left of summer to spend with my kids. We are going to make the most of it.
July 14th - When it rains in AZ, people come out of their houses to play or watch. It was fun to watch the neighbors come and see the show (rainstorm). We love the RAIN in AZ!!!!!!
July 20th -I'm going to hug my kids tight tonight and spend the whole day with them tomorrow.
July 21st -Our family took a day trip to the Rim. It was an amazing and much needed trip. It poured up there on the rim and we took some time to play cards inside a family trailer. It was nice to spend some quality time with the family!!
July 23rd - Taylor Junior High is hosting a choir camp this week from 9 to noon for junior high and high school students. Mr. Meade and Connie Turley (MHS choir teacher) are teaching the camp The cost is only $15 and it's not to late to sign up.
July 26th - I love hearing my two older kids share their experiences and excitement about band camp. It's music to my ears!!!
July 28th - Danni worked hard during band camp - she's all tuckered out (a pic of her and Britt crashed on the auditorium floor).
July 30th - I have 2 high school students registered and I'm registering my junior high student tomorrow. I guess summer is coming to an end.
August 1st -After watching the women's gymnastics team win gold, they were asked which Olympics that they first remembered watching when they were a kid. The girls first remembered watching the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece. WOW!!
August 2nd -My son didn't have band camp this morning and had the opportunity to sleep in, be he chose to help a friend do an Eagle Project. There were 4 boys in marching band that went this morning to help paint fire hydrants. What great boys!!! Maybe tomorrow we can sleep in!!
August 7th - I'm so not ready for school to start. I wish I had another week, another month, another summer!!!!
August 8th - My kids started their first day of school at different times, so I couldn't get a chanc to get their picture all together..
August 8th - Angela had a great day at Junior High and the students helped her when she got lost on campus. I'm so relieved that she and I survived her first day at Junior high. Danni LOVES high school and had an amazing day. Josh had a big summer project that was due the first day of school and worked for weeks to finish it. Emily had a great day wit the same teacher she had last year.
August 15th - It's amazing how much cooler 10 degrees feels! Its so much nicer today even though the high will be 106 today.
August 16th - The streets in our neighborhood are getting a face-lift, so they are closing down a few streets at a time. Every day, I feel like I'm driving in a maze.
August 20th - I just picked up the TJHS Music Man video. Guess what we are doing for FHE
August 23rd - I hate having to decide between two events that are going on a the same time. I REALLY wish that I could attend the MHS football game tomorrow night and watch the AWESOME half time show. My older kids will perform a part of their show - Danni's first. I haven't seen a glimpse of it yet and I can't wait to see it. Good luck Josh and Danni!! I love you and will think of you tomorrow night!!!!!!
August 24th - Happy Birthday to my son Josh - He turns 16 today!!!!!!
August 30th -My kids were unable to perform their half-time show due to the wet football field. They stood in a formation and played the first movement of their show last week. Tomorrow night, they will perform the first part of their show for the first time. I can't wait to see them perform. Good Luck Josh and Danni!!!!! Love ya both!!!!!
August 24th - Happy Birthday to my son Josh - He turns 16 today!!!!!
September 3rd - My son is on his first date. He grew up too fast for me!!!
September 6th - I love Mesa High and I'm so glad that my kids attend this great school. Mesa High is full of history and traditions. I didn't attend MHS, but I'm a big fan!!!!
September 7th - I love the rain, but it's going to put a damper on the marching band half time show AGAIN. I wish it would rain on any other day than Fridays!!!!!
September 10th - Josh and Danni head to the Mesa High field to play in Mesa's 1000th football game. It was great to see the Marching Band in full uniform.
September 12th - Yesterday my oldest two kids were at school from 6:00 in the morning til 9:00 at night. That's a LONG school day!!!
September 19th - Angela came home from school today and told me that she ran a mile in 14 minutes. She has come so far in her physical development. She didn't learn to crawl til she was 18 months old and didn't walk until she was 2. Now, she is running a mile with her peers. Way to go Angela!!!!
September 21st - I love watching Josh and Danni perform part or their show tonight at the football game. They have worked so hard and it's so great to see what they'be been working on. Next week, they start competing
September 23rd - Danni went out of town after marching band practice for the weekend to Benson. It's so great to have her back. She brings a great spirit to our home that I've missed just the short time she was away. Love you Danni!!!!!!!
September 28th - 1st competition of marching band season for MHS is less than 24 hours away. Good Luck Josh and Danni!!! I can't wait to watch the two of you compete!!!
September 29th - Mesa Marching Band took 1st plce in their division tonight. It's and amazing sight to watch them perform their show. MHS has a great group of band students and it's nice to spend some time with them.
October 3rd - I HATE Computers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 5th - I packed some stuff to take to Josh before the Homecoming parade and threw my camera in the same bag. I didn't realize that the bag would stay at the school until I was at the parade route and didn't have my camera My father-in-law was there with his camera to capture the parade on film Love my family!!!!! It was fun to watch Josh and Danni march in the MHS parade. I
October 6th - Early Release, Homecoming, Marching Band Competition, and General Conference all in one weekend. It's going to be a busy GREAT weekend!!!!!
October 6th - Mesa High Marching Band took 1st place in their division today with a caption in music, percussion, and visual. Congratulations to my kids Josh, Danni, and my niece Brittany Clawson!!! It's so rewarding to watch your children perform and compete.
October 8th - I LOVE facebook, email, and blogging!!!! When your hard drives keep crashing, it's great to know that some of your favorite pics are still available because of social media!!!!!
October 16th - IT'S A MIRACLE!!!!! I was able to access the information off my hard drive that crashed 2 years ago. The computer geeks couldn't even get the information off, but we could after 100 tries. I think giving the drive some rest may have helped too. We found a new home for the information on the corrupted drives. I can't wait to look back on the past 2 years. It's a GREAT day!!!!!!!!
October 20th - Another Saturda = Another Band Campetition. I'm not going to watch them this time, but I want to wish Josh and Danni the best of luck this evening. Go Mesa High!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
October 25th - Tomorrow night is the last MHS football game. It's the last time to see the MHS Marching Band show before they head to NAU on Saturday and Sate Competitions in November. They will perform at half-time and it's a GREAT show. They have had an amazing season this year!!!!
October 27th - My older two kids and I are off to NAU for a Marching Band Competition I feel a little guilty missing the "Trunk or Treat" with my husband and younger two girls. I couldn't resist the opportunity to go and watch my kids perform their show.- they are only going to perform it 3 more times before the season is over. Can you tell Marching Band is a huge part of my life right now?
November 1st - My kids are very creative and found their own outfits this year. Halloween came way to soon!!!! Josh didn't dress up this year, but he stills gets a pic. Danni - I'm not sure, but she looked stunning, Angela - A Medieval Princess. Emmy - Little Red Riding Hood
November 2nd - Emily turned 8 years old today. She was born during a presidential election. She is so sweet and our family has been blessed because of her. We love you Emily!
November 3rd - Congratulations to the Mesa High Marching Band - They won superior with distinction and received many captions including color guard and music - which are dear to Josh and Danni. Next week, is the State Marching Band Championship. Congrats!!!!
November 5th - I know that there is a presidential election tomorrow and that's one of the main reasons that we are going to vote. There are many propositions and bonds that are on the ballet as well. I would like my Mesa neighbors to know that there is a Mesa Public Schools Bond that will give the district money to fix the schools, money for buses, and money for computers needed to take assessment testing. This bond is different that the sales tax proposition that is controversial I hate to be political, but I just want my Mesa neighbors to know how important this bond is to MPS. Go vote tomorrow and mak your voice heard!!!!!!
November 7th - The MPS bond was approved - YAY!!!!!
November 10th - I'm off to Glendale. I'm so excited!!!!!!
November 10th - The 2012 Division 2 State Marching Band Championship goes to Mesa High School!!!!! Congratulations to a great group of young kids who worked for months on this show. They spent many hours on the practice field and it paid off. Congratulations Josh, Danni, and my niece Brittany Clawson!!!!!! What an amazing experience to watch them compete this afternoon.
November 12th - There is a Veteran's Day Parade today in Mesa starting at 11:00. There is always a great turnout, so go early to get a good spot. The 2012 Division 2 State Championship Marching Band (Mesa High) will be leading the parade this year. It's great to see all the veteran's in the parade.
November 20th - We took Emily on Sunday to get her Baptism pictures. She is so cute and getting ready for her Baptism. We love you Emmy!!!!!
November 26th - Emily was baptized on Saturday by he brother Josh. It was a memorable day.
November 29th - Tomorrow morning on Channel 3 @ 6:30 am, the Mesa Marching Band will be on TV. It'll be so fun to watch them again.
November 30th - Mesa High Marchign Band will be on the news TOMORROW. Channel 3 came at 8:30 to record the band and there were some issues getting the live feed. To all those waiting to watch - Tomorrow morning on Channel 3. I'll let you the time as a comment to this post.
Dec. 8th - My two older kids are off to Winter Formal. Josh is going on a date and Danni is going because she was nominated as royalty. Danni's cousin was also nominated, so they are going to the dance together for 30 minutes. I have no pics to share and hope that someone takes good pics for me. I handed off my cameras to my kiddos.
Dec. 14th - Tonight, I'm going to hold my kids a little tighter. Prayers out to those who lost loved ones today.
Dec. 31st - Goodbye 2012 - You've been a good year