Monday, July 28, 2014

Memorable Monday
Swim Lesson at Mesa Junior

We started off taking swim lesson at Mesa Junior High with Lisa and her kids.  The first year there, Danni was registered to be in "Sea Babies" and learn to swim and learn safety with me by her side.  She hated every minute of the first class, so I asked if we could move her up. She was only 2 years old and wanted to be in the next class where she could learn independently.  They agreed and so Danni went to the same class as Josh and Britt.  Classes were 5 days a week back then and everyone was given a chance to jump off the diving board on the last day. Josh and Danni both jumped off the diving board.  Josh was scared to death and the life guard didn't even catch him.  Danni was only 2 years old and should have been in the baby class, but she was jumping too.  After that, they had a little party sitting on the deck eating goodies.  A lot has changed since then.  Angela was able to go there for a year or two.  I really enjoyed going to swim lessons and watching them learn and of course taking pictures.
Josh in class
Danni and Britt
Angela and I

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