Monday, January 26, 2015

Memorable Monday
Angela's Broken Foot

I wrote this poem and added to an email that I send to family and friends shortly after Angela broke her foot.  I thought it was too cute and wanted to share it so Angela will know what happened to her foot when she sees pictures of it.

"One little Angela jumped on the bed, she fell off and
bumped her head (and hurt her foot).  Daddy took to
the hospital, and the doctor said, "No more Angela
jumping on the bed, (and she fractured her foot)". 

Angela broke her left foot while jumping on the bed. She has been learning the story of the five monkeys jumping on the bed.  I hope she will remember the lesson in the book.  Dani's kindergarten teacher gave me some visuals to the story.  We will read the story often.  On Friday, we will cast her foot and learn more about when she can walk again.  I'm just glad that she doesn't weigh that much.
Angela with her led all wrapped up
Her cute pink cast
Her signed cast
Steve holding Angela with her cute cast and boot

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