Tuesday, October 31, 2017


1- YW Carving Pumpkins - The YW carved pumpkins for an activity.  Angela and Emily were on different teams and they each brought home a their carved pumpkin.  I'm so glad that the YW did this activity so I can cross it off my Halloween to do list.
Girls and their Pumpkins

2- Youth Costume Dance - For several years now, the stake has held a Halloween dance for the youth 14 and up.  It makes me think ahead of costumes for my kids, especially the ones going to the dance.  This year, we went shopping and fell in love with this pink cowboy hat and decided that Angela should be a cowgirl this year.

Our Cute Cowgirl

3- Trunk or Treat - Our ward held it's annual Trunk or Treat this year and I was so happy that all my kids plus Brigham could attend.  The food was yummy and the costumes were great. Angela was a  cowgirl again, Emily was Rey from Star Wars, Josh was Lemonade (When life give you lemons, you make lemonade), and Danni was Minnie Mouse.   I loved watching my children interact with each other and their friends.  They seemed to have a great time. 

My Girls - Cowgirl and Rey
Emmy made a great Rey
Angel - cowgirl - second time around
My kids
Emily with her frends
Emmy with her friends
Jim, Danni, and Brigham handing out candy
Colonel Sanders with Mitchell and Josh
I dressed up as Error 404 - Costume can't be found,  Here I am with the Lopes

4- Jim's Work Party - Jim's work had a Halloween costume party.   He used my costume from the night before.  It's the perfect costume for someone in programming.  He made his famous chili to take too.
Jim and his chili

5- Halloween Night - Brigham and Danni dressed up as shadows.  They look like shadows behind Angela and Emmy. Their costumes are great and blend in really well.  Danni and Brigham took the girls Trick-or-Treating which was really nice.

Brigham and Danni
Great Shadows

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