Emmy and I recevied our YW Medallion through the Personal Progress Program. The Church of Jesus Christ is ending the Personal Progress program this year, so Em and I hurried really fast to earn it
Emmy and I and our mediallions |
Emmy's projects
* Faith - Attend Time to Blossom
* Divine Nature - Help Danni just after Manny was born
* Individual Worth - JHFO
* Knowledge - Mesa High Freshman Orientation
* Choice of Accountability - Choose to attend Stake Youth Conference
* Good Works - Help Angela
* Integrity - Take Notes for Conference
* Virtue - Read Book of Mormon
My Projects
* Faith - Start the Come Follow Me Program at home.
* Divine Nature - Serve dad as he recovers from the hospital
* Individual Worth - Help mom with her physical therapy exercises
* Knowledge - Learn about Guardianship
* Choice of Accountability - Help Tutor math for free
* Good Works - Help make a missionary book for a friend
* Integrity - Watch Conference and take notes
* Virtue - Read Book of Mormon
Each of my gurls and I with our YW medallions. They each earned them throughout the years. I’m so proud of my girls!!!
Angela's projects
* Faith - Pioneer Trek
* Divine Nature - Create beautiful art book
* Individual Worth - Trying out for Regionals
* Knowledge - Graduate High School
* Choice of Accountability - YW Journal
* Good Works - Serve - Feed My Starving Children / Randolph House
* Integrity - Watch Conference and take notes
* Virtue - Read Book of Mormon
Danni's Projects
*Faith - Graduate Seminary
*Divine Nature - School Play - Hamlette
*Individual Worth - Make a Family Cookbook
*Knowledge - MDLP - Finish for Graduation
*Choice and Accountability - Cooking for Family
*Good Works - Helping Ang on Laurel Retreat
*Integrity- Being in Spotlight
*Virtue - Read Book of Mormon