Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas 2019

I love the Christmas season and we did a lot this year to celebrate.  It was hard not having my mom with us this year, but we found ways to honor her.  I planned fun things every day

1- We watched the new nativity film and the new Klaus Movie.  The Church of Jesus Christ put out a new nativity movie and it was realistic.  I loved both of these movies. My kids really liked the Klaus movie. 

2- We decorated gingerbread houses.  We bought a kit plus made extra frosting and bought extra candy.  I think the houses turned out great and were still standing at the end.
Gingerbread House
3- We played games as a family.  We have some great board games and we had such a great time.

4- We attended Emily's orchestra Christmas Concert.  Grandma and Grandpa Pace came to the concert along with Jim, Angela, and I.  It was a fun Christmas concert that we watched while eating yummy dinner.  One of the songs was timed to the lights on the board in the background.  It was such a fun concert.
Christmas Concert and Dinnner
5- We went to the RS Giving Machine night.  We served hot chocolate to those at the Giving Machine.  It was a unique service and was really appreciated.  We went to QT to get ice cream with the rest of the family.  We love QT ice cream.
Visit to Giving Machine with RS
We like QT's ice cream
6- We had hot cocoa and watched "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever".  The book was hilarious and the movie was too, but the book was better.

7- We went to Benson to celebrate as a Wall Family.  Brigham had to work, so he couldn't join us.  We had a yummy dinner, made gingerbread houses, and went through antiques and buttons.  It was  really nice together.  We missed our mom.
My Family
Quad Riding
Gingerbread Houses
Sisters / Cousins
8- We went to Verticcio Farms to see the amazing lights.  Manny saw Santa and was scared and didn't want to sit on his lap.   We went through a pallet maze and had smores. The lights were really cool and we had a great time.  At the end, the kids just played ice hockey and other cool games.
They even had a snow machine.  
9- We had hot cocoa and drove around to see the Christmas lights.  We went to Sodalicious for the hot chocolate and drove around Gilbert to see some lights.  We always seem to go down the same street.  It's becoming a tradition.

10- We decorated gingerbread man cookies.  We used the recipe from Raddish and they turned out great.
Angela holding her gingerbread cookie
11.  Emmy went with the youth on a hay ride and we went outside when they drove by.  They stopped and sang a song for us.  It was cool to be caroled to.

12- We went to the Stillman Train Park in Scottsdale.  We rode around the train and saw some cool lights and then checked out the miniature train set.
On the Train
We had a great time
Their great light display
Great pic of the lights
13- We watched "Santa Girl".  Emily and I didn't like the movie and I don't think that we watched it.

14- We went to the ward Christmas party and then to the Giving Machines in Gilbert.
Danni and Jocelyn
Family at Ward party and Giving Machine
15- We went to see a model train just around the corner from our house.
Model train set
16- We watched "Christmas for a Dollar".  It was a cute movie and my kids and I really liked it.

17- Shopping at Barnes and Noble for gifts.  We were looking for a fox for Kenzie and a gift for Alice Johnson.  We saw Alice while we were there, so Angela just asked what Alice wanted for Christmas and we will just by it later.

18- Wrap Christmas gifts.  It's always fun to wrap gifts.  I used to do this with Lisa and my mom, but now I'll need to do it with my kids.

19- Watch "Christmas Oranges".  This was a sad movie and I ended up watching it by myself.

20 - Winter Break has started and I'm so proud of Emmy. It’s hard to get up early and go to school when your siblings can sleep in.  That night, we went to see the lights at the  Riparian Preserve.  We had a great time, but it was much more fun the first time.  It was really crowded this time around.  We wanted to get some ice cream afterwards. 
Start of Winter Break
Giant snowman at Riparian Preserve
Ice Cream after the Preserve
21 - We woke up early to see Star Wars.  I didn't want to pay a fortune to see the movie.  I really liked the movie, but I'm not sure that the rest of my family did.
22- Brigham, Danni, Manny, and Josh joined us as church for Christmas Sunday.  We just had Sacrament Meeting.  Afterwards, we had some snacks and opened gifts.  Later that afternoon, Danni and Brigham went to see Star Wars and we watched Manny.
Christmas Sunday
My girls and I
Manny with shades
23- We had our annual Christmas party.  This year, we had it at Grandma and Grandpa's club house.  We had bread bowls and soup, which were totally yummy.  The Turleys brought over some fun Jackbox games.  We played, talked, and had such a great time. It's always fun to spend time together.
Pics at the party
More party pics
Grandma and Grandpa took pics at the party
24- We had a yummy Christmas Eve with ham, scalloped potatoes, corn, and salad. Brigham and Danni joined us for dinner.  Afterwards, they played games on the TV.  It was fun to have them over for Christmas Eve.

25 -On Christmas Day, Brigham and Danni came over to open presents and have an brunch.  They left shortly after that to spend time with his family.  It was so fun to watch Manny open his gifts.  Lisa stopped by afterwards with some homemade licorice caramels, just like the ones that my mom likes.  We played games and packed for the trip the next day.  We had a great Christmas this year.  I missed my parents, but no that they are with us in spirit.  I did call my dad and he had visitors - Steve and his family.  It warms my heart knowing that his boys can visit him.  My dad spent the morning with Jeff and Debbie.
Manny opening gifts
Christmas Day

We really missed my mom this Christmas.  She was in our thoughts constantly.  We wanted make new traditions that involved mom.  Lisa bought Debbie and I a recipe book, just like my mom did for us.  She even made us licorice caramels like Seagull had.  I bought several batches of those myself.  My kids bought me a book with memories of my mom.  My kids and I each bought an ornament of my mom for the Christmas tree.  I also made an ornament with both my parent's call signs to put on the tree as well.  We talked about my mom and felt her spirit, but Christmas Day was hard.  We didn't go to her house to open presents and I felt that loss.  I didn't know what to do on Christmas afternoon, but I know that  feeling her loss was a step I needed to take this Christmas.

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