Monday, December 2, 2019

Memorable Monday
Christmas Letter 2003

The Pace Family - 2003

This year has been a good year for our family. 

Jim has been working hard this year.  He has recently been called as the second counselor in YM and as Scout-master.  He has been on several camp-outs this year, and really enjoys going camping. 

Tami has been volunteering at school once a week.  It has been a great experience and the kids love to see her in their classrooms.  She is still serving in the Primary and loves it. 

Josh is 7 years old and is in first grade this year. He was accepted into the Math Facts Club.  He is working very hard in school and is enjoying it. He played little league in the spring and soccer in the fall.  He loved to be the catcher in t-ball and the goa-lie in soccer.  He is making some good friends. 

Danielle is 5 years old.  She started kindergarten this year.  She is doing really well.  She is learning to read.  She can sound out a lot of words and is trying to read on her own.  In the spring, she was in a singing group.  She learned the songs really fast and loved performing for her family.  She is taking dance this year.  She just had a recital.  She did a great job.  She seemed so confident while she danced.  

Angela is 3 years old.  She has grown a lot this year.  She started preschool this year at Keller.  She takes the bus to and from school.  She had a hard time taking the bus at first.  Now she loves the bus.  She runs out to greet the bus.  In February, she will be four years old.  She is going to finally have her first birthday.  It is a leap year.  She loves music and loves to sing and dance.  She is starting to talk more and more.  She is a sweetheart.

This year, we have seen our family grow by leaps and bounds.  We are very blessed and are very happy.  We are grateful to have such great friends and family and wish you a Merry Christmas.

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