Thursday, May 7, 2020

Goodbye Wisdom Teeth

The dentist informed Angela and I that she really needs to have her wisdom teeth taken out.  This discussion took place in January at her cleaning appt.  There was a surgeon that works with the dentist office that was going to take Angela's case.  A month went by and I never heard from the surgeon or his office, so I talked to the dentist office.  Apparently, the surgeon felt uncomfortable about doing the surgery because the on tooth is too close to the nerves.  No one contacted us, but they made a referral for us to see an oral surgeon.  I was very upset and expressed my frustrations in being kept in the dark.

I called the oral surgeon to make an appt to get this process started.  The appt was in March.  Well, March came and everything changed.  We had to cancel the appointment since Angela was not in immediate pain or had an infection.  6 weeks later, the state allowed surgeries to take place and Angela was at the top of the list.  We got her in to see the oral surgeon and he felt confident that he could do the job, so we scheduled the surgery 3 days later. Angela had a lot of questions for the surgeon and nurse.  I love to see her take care of her health.  She was really nervous to get this procedure done.
Angela ready to get her wisdom teeth out.  
She just met the oral surgeon.

On the day of surgery, she was really nervous.  Since I'm her guardian, they allowed me to go back to the room and comfort her until she was ready to go.  I'm so glad that they allowed that.  It helped Angela a lot that I could support her as they put in her IV and took some blood. The surgery went very well and Angela did a great job. When she was coming out of the drugs, she was confused when she was getting her wisdom teeth out.  I told her that the teeth were already gone, but she didn't believe me for a few more hours.  Haha!!  She is such a trooper and so very brave.
Angela is now at home healing. She did great!!!

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